[reSIProcate] Authentication challenge issue

Niraj Roy nroy at varaha.com
Thu Feb 15 06:05:01 CST 2007

	One issue with Authentication.
	I have created a profile for user Bob with the domain name
	Bob is trying to place a call to hirel at cisco.com.
	Hence 'Request Uri' and 'To' header will contain 'hirel at cisco.com'
	And From header will contain 'Bob at biloxy.com'.
	In the current implementation while challenging ServerAuthManager
use Request Line for supplying realm. Hence 407 Challenge responses contain
'cisco.com' in the required realm.
	Bob resends INVITE request 'cisco.com' in it's realm.
	But his profile domain is set to 'biloxy.com' hence
ServerAuthManager sends 404 Error response.
	I think ServerAuthManager should take realm from the 'From' header
instead of Request Line..
	Any guess...?

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