[reSIProcate] Packaging for Debian

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Tue Feb 27 11:07:48 CST 2007

Probably the right thing to do.

MIT's ares is still at 1.1.1 (circa 2001) - there doesn't seem to be  
anyone there to take changes back anyhow.
There is at least one other fork that's done different things.

So, lets plan to change the name of this library to resip-ares and  
update our wiki/etc. to reflect it.

This would show in head as quickly as we make the change. It would  
show up in the 1.2 release.


On Feb 27, 2007, at 3:33 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:

> Robert Sparks wrote:
>> Thank you Neil!
>> One quick comment on 2) below.
>> We have effectively forked ares - resiprocate won't (I think) build
>> against ares straight from MIT.
> Should the fork be given a different name, so that it too can be
> packaged and installed concurrently with the regular ares libraries  
> and
> headers?
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