[reSIProcate] Patch to fixup XCode project for 1.2

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at polyphase.ca
Thu Dec 27 15:28:04 CST 2007


Thanks for these patches. I noticed that nobody has responded yet.  
It was my understanding that the MacSecurity classes were added to  
integrate with the keychain.
I am hoping that this is a user interface only item and that the  
removal of these classes in your patch returns or moves the fetching  
of credentials to the user-interface code above the stack layer. Is  
this accurate? I apologize for not starting a review of the patch just  
yet, but your comments would speed things along nicely.

Best wishes and thanks for the contribution.

Alan Hawrylyshen

Alan Hawrylyshen
a l a n a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a

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