[reSIProcate] VS2005 crashing with DUM
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Oct 24 09:39:46 CDT 2007
I'm not willing to buy this without some hard evidence. I have never
had a problem with auto_ptr and virtual d'tors, and a Google search
turns up nothing. Additionally, I can't think of a plausible reason
why this would be the case (auto_ptr<Foo> isn't going to be calling
~Foo() directly).
Best regards,
Byron Campen
> auto_ptr is not compatible with virtual destructors. that may be
> the odd bit.
> david
> On 10/23/07, Alan Hawrylyshen <alan at polyphase.ca> wrote:
>> On 23-Oct-07, at 04:30 , Nilay Tripathi wrote:
>> The auto_ptr instance that we create has everything fine, but as
>> soon as we
>> assign it to mClientAuthManager, vfptr goes for a toss. Something
>> creepy in
>> operator=() of auto_ptr.
>> Is it safe to assume that the 'creepy' part of auto_ptr is
>> something other
>> than the 'assignment transfers ownership' semantics of auto_ptr.
>> Given a class, A, and a pair of auto_ptr's p1 and p2, the
>> following is
>> roughly true:
>> A* p;
>> auto_ptr<A> p1(p = new A);
>> // p1 'points' to the 'new A' (the same place that 'p' points)
>> // of course 'p' is dangerous and merely here for pedagogical
>> purposes.
>> auto_ptr<A> p2(p1);
>> // p2 now 'points' at the same place as 'p' and
>> // p1 is pointing at nothing.
>> auto_ptr<A> p3 = p2 ; // usually disallowed, but has same effect,
>> only p3
>> // refers to the same A that p does.
>> Using auto_ptr<>::release() and auto_ptr<>::get() can put you in
>> trouble
>> too...
>> Or was it something else really 'odd'?
>> Alan Hawrylyshen
>> a l a n a t p o l y p h a s e d o t c a
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