[reSIProcate] Proxy-Authorization realm

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Oct 4 14:34:39 CDT 2007

	I assume you're using repro here? If so, it shouldn't be challenging  
BYE. In any case, repro decides what realm to use for the challenge  
based on the host found in the From header (provided it is a host it  
recognizes as being one of its own), and failing that, the Request- 
Uri. If the realm is changing on you, it is probably because the host  
in the From header is changing.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi,
> I just came across a potential problem in resiprocate (or in our  
> application).
> The AclStore is currently inactive, so resiprocate – acting as a  
> UAS – is asking for authentication for each message. When the  
> client sends an INVITE, resiprocate answers with a 407 with:
> Proxy-Authorization: Digest  
> username="24",realm="terastation5.m.terasens.de",nonce="12835812933:51 
> 45d934c594a99a742360f04560d34d",uri="sip: 
> 250 at terastation5.m.terasens.de;user=phone",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce 
> ="5b932ae2",response="e7c031b9
> The client sends the correct Proxy-Authorization and the messages  
> gets accepted.
> When the client sends BYE later, resiprocate sends a 407 with:
> Proxy-Authorization: Digest  
> username="24",realm="",nonce="12835812948:e969ac8d7671b4c 
> 2c0a282b0c022fd91",uri="sip: 
> 250 at;user=phone",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce="7f21c7 
> 71",response="3b861f089995dd78b0aa6e597cfd2
> The realm does not match anymore and the client cannot  
> authenticate. Is this behaviour correct or shouldn’t resiprocate  
> send the original realm value?
> Thanks and best regards,
> Matthias Moetje
> <image001.jpg>
> Augustenstraße 24
> 80333 Munich
> Phone:
> Fax:
> e-mail:
> Web:
> +49.89.143370-0
> +49.89.143370-22
> info at terasens.com
> www.terasens.com
> <image001.jpg>
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