[reSIProcate] stack crashes on windows XP

Hagai Sela (TA) hagai at liveperson.com
Mon Jan 22 10:30:28 CST 2007

6807, I just got the latest sources from the subversion repository.


From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net] 
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2007 6:27 PM
To: Hagai Sela (TA)
Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] stack crashes on windows XP

This was a problem we found a while back, and fixed. What revision are
you working with?

Best regards,
Byron Campen

	My resiprocate based UA crashes on a Windows XP machine, and I
think it has something to do with sending ACK messages. This is the
stack trace:
	> hc.exe!resip::Data::rawHash(const unsigned char *
c=0xfeeefeee, unsigned int size=4277075694) Line 1867 + 0x3 C++
	hc.exe!resip::Data::hash() Line 1923 + 0x17 C++
	hc.exe!stdext::hash_value(const resip::Data & data={...}) Line
1932 + 0x26 C++
>::operator()(const resip::Data & _Keyval={...}) Line 132 + 0x9 C++
State *,stdext::hash_compare<resip::Data,std::less<resip::Data>
>,std::allocator<std::pair<resip::Data const ,resip::TransactionState *>
>,0> >::_Hashval(const resip::Data & _Keyval={...}) Line 578 + 0xc C++
State *,stdext::hash_compare<resip::Data,std::less<resip::Data>
>,std::allocator<std::pair<resip::Data const ,resip::TransactionState *>
>,0> >::erase(std::list<std::pair<resip::Data const
,resip::TransactionState *>,std::allocator<std::pair<resip::Data const
,resip::TransactionState *> > >::iterator _Where={...}) Line 389 + 0x1a
	hc.exe!resip::TransactionMap::add(const resip::Data & tid={...},
resip::TransactionState * state=0x03b3e118) Line 48 C++
	hc.exe!resip::TransactionState::add(const resip::Data &
tid={...}) Line 1783 C++
hc.exe!resip::TransactionState::process(resip::TransactionController &
controller={...}) Line 408 C++
	hc.exe!resip::TransactionController::process(resip::FdSet &
fdset={...}) Line 83 + 0x9 C++
	hc.exe!resip::SipStack::process(resip::FdSet & fdset={...}) Line
503 C++
	hc.exe!CSoftPhoneStackThread::thread() Line 45 + 0x1a C++
	hc.exe!threadWrapper(void * threadParm=0x01c55b98) Line 46 + 0xd
	msvcr71d.dll!_threadstartex(void * ptd=0x01c56630) Line 241 +
0xd C
	I think it somehow has a problem creating a transaction id for
the ACK requests. Can someone give me any pointers on how to debug this?
	resiprocate-devel mailing list
	resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org

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