[reSIProcate] SdpContents::getBodyData() returns stack pointer
Will McKinley
wmckinle at cisco.com
Mon Jan 29 12:50:22 CST 2007
Yes, it happened to be a problem with the vendor's implementation of the
resip stack. I did not see the problem when I downloaded the source.
Thanks for your help.
On 1/29/07 1:37 PM, "Byron Campen" <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
> Did you ever figure out what was going on here? Looking at the code,
> this sort of thing is done all the time in the stack.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> I just noticed it while running my code. I'll see if I can work up a
>> testcase for it and send it out.
>> Thanks.
>> On 12/27/06 1:39 PM, "david Butcher" <davidlbutcher at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> The Data is returned by value (in head version), so should be copied.
>>> If you are having problems with it, it suggests an issue with the
>>> memory management underlying Data. This is unlikely, but not
>>> impossible.
>>> Do you have a test case?
>>> david
>>> On 12/27/06, Will McKinley <wmckinle at cisco.com> wrote:
>>>> SdpContents::getBodyData() creates a Data object on the stack and
>>>> attempts
>>>> to return it. This fails at runtime and points to nowhere.
>>>> Perhaps this
>>>> method needs to be redefined so that the caller passes in a
>>>> reference to a
>>>> Data object that is filled in by the session encoding?
>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>> Will McKinley
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