[reSIProcate] Redirect Handler DUM

Subramanian Kasi Subramanian subbu.subramanian at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 7 09:48:00 CST 2007

    Does anyone know what is the best way to handle SIP 305 Message in DUM. It looks like the RedirectHandler doesnt handle SIP 305 messages.
Could someone also point me to the structure of this 305 message.

class RedirectHandler
      virtual ~RedirectHandler() {}

      //3xx that isn't 380 or 305 has been received
      virtual void onRedirectReceived(AppDialogSetHandle, const SipMessage& response)=0;
      //return true if this target is acceptable
      virtual bool onTryingNextTarget(AppDialogSetHandle, const SipMessage& request)=0;


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