[reSIProcate] FOSDEM - Brussels, February

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Fri Jan 19 16:42:32 CST 2007

Robert Sparks wrote:
> I saw no on-list replies, so I assume Daniel is the only person going?
> Daniel - This is a great idea and thank you for being willing to put 
> this effort in.

I've put reSIProcate forward for the `lightning talks', with myself as 
the presenter.  I realise there are a few people who have put a heap of 
work into this project, so if any of you want to take over this role, 
please let me know and I'm happy to stand aside.  I'll keep you updated 
when I get a response.

One question I expect to encounter is the issue of packaging on Linux.  
If people want to link reSIProcate into existing open source projects, 
they will probably want packages.  I realise this has been discussed 
before, it would be nice to know what message I should put forward on 
this issue.  There will more than likely be people at FOSDEM willing to 
assist with the issue and sponsor the package into official 
distributions like Debian, when it eventuates.

> RjS
> On Jan 9, 2007, at 3:08 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is anyone from this list going to FOSDEM?
>>     http://www.fosdem.org/2007/
>> They are looking for people to present 15 minute `lightning talks' on
>> their open source projects - I'd be quite happy to promote
>> reSIProcate/DUM if no one else has plans to do so.
>> Regards,
>> Daniel
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