[reSIProcate] Gearing up for 1.2 release

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Sep 26 11:24:15 CDT 2007

	Current state of open issues:

2. [reSIProcate] 180 Ringing and 200 OK messages with incorrect port?  
(looks like this is a complaint about resip sending responses on the  
same TCP connection the request came in on)
3. [reSIProcate] Problem with DNS and mActiveQueryCount (very, very  
stale code, was using 0.9.0 according to line numbers)
4. [reSIProcate] about thread safe of repro! (thread-safety issues in  
the various XStore classes in repro) (fixed, rev 7044)
5. [reSIProcate] build warnings on FreeBSD 6.1 (comparison between  
signed and unsigned integer expressions; macro definition of  
FD_SETSIZE is an unsigned int under FreeBsd) (fixed, by ekr, rev 7119)
7. [reSIProcate] repro TLS : sending responses (line numbers in  
logging indicate that Boris was using the old sipfoundry.org repository)
8. [reSIProcate] Adding a new parameter to a header (RFC 3329 params  
were not supported) (looks like they were after all; not sure what  
happened here)
9. [reSIProcate] Remote-Party-Id Header - Should it be a part of the  
Stack (non-standard header type support request) (fixed, rev 7097)
10. [reSIProcate] Resiprocate Client with OpenSER server.....trying  
to establish TLS connection :- Error when verifying server's chain of  
certificates: unable to get local issuer certificate (issue looks stale)
11. [reSIProcate] Performance of a P2P-over-SIP program using  
resiprocate (oddball retransmission behavior) (looks like ACK just  
wasn't making it...)
14. [reSIProcate] [reSIProcate 1.1 stack]How to use ? (looks like  
they didn't have a good link line, sent mail to confirm)
15. [reSIProcate] sip stack process CANCEL problem? (stack not  
sending TransactionTerminated for stuff torn down by CANCEL, fixed  
rev 7263)
17. [reSIProcate] Leaking transactions (leak in repro; fixed rev 7154)
18. [reSIProcate] Memory leaks in SipStack::send(.) and SipStack::post 
(.) ? (Looks like they shut the stack down with messages still in  
20. [reSIProcate] repro crash during load test (crash in old version  
of repro; never got any info on whether this could be replicated  
using the 1.1 code.)
21. [reSIProcate] Bug in ClientRegistration::removeBinding (really,  
_really_ broken code in ClientRegistration from back when) (fixed rev  
7257, basic testing done, needs a more thorough unit-test)
23. [reSIProcate] mutex in UdpTransport (unnecessary lock) (fixed,  
rev 7256)
25. [reSIProcate] Issues with ClientSubscription issuing local 408  
timeouts (looks like someone's firewall was eating packets, need to  
verify) (looks closed, problem can't be replicated)
29. [reSIProcate] [PATCH] fix for compiling SipDialer example  
(resolved, rev 7219)
31. [reSIProcate] [Patch] Fix XCode project file (resolved, rev 7223)
32. [reSIProcate] Endless loop? (loop in DUM message-passing dealing  
with refer) (resolved, rev 7254)

Open issues:

1. [reSIProcate] [ReSIProcate_1.1_RC2] submit a patch for DUM/ 
ClientPublication.cxx (reSUBSCRIBE/412 response is not reacted to  
6. [reSIProcate] SDP in ACK after intial offer/answer exchange causes  
BYE from resip/dum (looks like we might be overreacting to unexpected  
SDP here, maybe apply Postel's maxim) (code in working copy, sent  
diff to list for comments, will commit soon)
12. [reSIProcate] segfault in SdpContents::Empty when linking  
statically (static destruction problem... no idea what might be going  
on here)
13. [reSIProcate] RPM specfile for resiprocate stack (looks like  
Alfred put forth the effort to write a spec file for the resip stack,  
should give it a look)
16. [reSIProcate] Assert in DialogSetId, issue with from to tag (bad  
assert on garbage from wire, have proposed solution)
19. [reSIProcate] error: extra semicolon (funky macro warnings)
22. [reSIProcate] RecursiveMutex for APPLE and INTEL_COMPILER (OS X  
added support for this in 10.2, Adam has proposed a patch)
24. [reSIProcate] DUM and DumShutdownHandler Implementation  
(unimplemented params, should either implement, or remove)
26. [reSIProcate] Terminated Subscription (oddness with callbacks)
27. [reSIProcate] Query regarding queuing mechanism for NOTIFYs  
28. [reSIProcate] Call disconnect due to re-invite timeout (dialog is  
getting torn down on reINVITE timeout, because remote UA has issued a  
target refresh _after_ the reINVITE was sent, and stopped listening  
on the old interface. Sent mail to list.)
30. [reSIProcate] NULL pointer crash in DialogSet::dispatch with  
mAppDialogSet (possible race condition crash in DUM)
33. [reSIProcate] NOTIFY without content-type (have to give this a  
closer look)
34. [reSIProcate] Authentication failed (possible digest problem)
35. [reSIProcate] ParseBuffer::Exception thrown in  
36. [reSIProcate-users] Authentication failed

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> 	It is time to start pushing in earnest for the 1.2 release. I will  
> be spending some time in the next week chasing down any open issues  
> from the list. I aim to have a release candidate by October 5, and  
> our official release by October 19. Everyone who has done  
> significant work since 1.1, please take the time to go through your  
> work and distill it into something that can be put in the release  
> notes.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
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