[reSIProcate] CANCEL and TransactionState

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Mon Jul 16 15:31:23 CDT 2007

	Both proxies and user-agents end up needing to worry about this in  
exactly the same way. I think we'd be able to shed some code in both  
repro and dum if we were to do this (particularly in dum).

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> This isn't a bad idea. However, are there considerations that are
> different for user agents from proxies? In the past, we've taken the
> approach of putting nothing that is UA-specific or proxy-specific in
> the transaction layer.
> Doing the CANCEL processing in repro isn't too bad. The CANCEL
> processing in dum is pretty involved though. I'm not sure how this
> would end up refactoring.
> Jason
> On 7/16/07, Byron Campen <bcampen at estacado.net> wrote:
>>         I have been thinking about how the stack (and  
>> TransactionState in
>> particular) treat CANCEL from the TU. Right now, sending a CANCEL to
>> the stack is the only way the TU can express its desire to shed
>> INVITE transaction state, but the stack will only accept a CANCEL if
>> the transaction has received a response. This basically means that
>> the TU has to keep state around denoting whether it wants to let go
>> of a given INVITE transaction, whether it is allowed to send a CANCEL
>> yet, and whether it has already sent a CANCEL (replicating portions
>> of the transaction-state-machine). Might it be convenient to keep
>> this information down in TransactionState instead, since anything
>> that sends an INVITE will ultimately be forced to keep this state if
>> it wants to be protected from a deliberately non-responsive UAS?
>>         Thoughts?
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
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