[reSIProcate] Resiprocate Footprint

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Fri Jan 19 17:56:38 CST 2007

Jerry Richards wrote:
> I am looking at using resiprocate for an embedded MIPS VoIP phone.
> Does anyone know roughly what is the resiprocate footprint (excluding
> repro), using the following build command (and I'm excluding SSL and
> CommandLineParser)?
> 	./configure
> 	make dum
> I think the above pulls in the /rutil, /ares/, resip/stack, and resip/dum
> libraries.

I think you'll find that the stripped size of those four libraries comes 
to about 10 megs, broken down roughly as follows:

    libares: 48 kb
    librutil: 3.5 Mb
    libresip: 5.4 Mb
    libdum: 1.3 Mb


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