[reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.1 release

Adam Roach adam at nostrum.com
Thu Feb 1 18:07:28 CST 2007

I just came across this recently myself. The problem is that I used some 
bash-isms, but invoke /bin/sh. Ubuntu has a somewhat different /bin/sh 
than most other Linux systems. I plan to re-work things to be more 
stock-sh-compatible at some point.

Until then, you can get things to work under Ubuntu by changing the 
"#!/bin/sh" line at the top of the file to "#!/bin/bash"

Sorry for the trouble.


Alfred E. Heggestad wrote:
> hi
> some additional things for the release:
> * The directory repro/debian/patches can probably be deleted,
>    the db_cxx.h location is fixed in the makefile right ?
> * I got a very strange error when running ./configure on my
>    Ubuntu AMD64 box:
>    alfredh at agmund:~/svn/.3rd/resiprocate$ ./configure
>    ./configure: 9: Syntax error: "{" unexpected (expecting "do")
>    The same things is working fine on Debian etch, and they both
>    have bash version 3.1.17 ... the configure file looks fine to
>    me so I dont understand why this fails.. adding "do" and "done"
>    around curly braces helps a bit though ..
> /alfred
> Byron Campen wrote:
>>     Seriously, how many times can I drop this particular ball... I'll 
>> get right on it.
>> Best regards,
>> Byron Campen
>>> Hi
>>> as reported earlier, resip from svn at trunk does not build on x86_64
>>> platforms:
>>> /usr/bin/ld: obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o: relocation 
>>> R_X86_64_32 against `a local symbol' can not be used when making a 
>>> shared object; recompile with -fPIC
>>> obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/AbstractFifo.o: could not read symbols: Bad value
>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> make[1]: *** [obj.debug.Linux.x86_64/librutil.so] Error 1
>>> make: *** [rutil] Error 2
>>> I fixed this locally by adding -fPIC to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
>>> in build/Makefile.tools
>>> /alfred
>>> Byron Campen wrote:
>>>>   After some digging/chasing, the open issues have been reduced to 
>>>> the following:
>>>> New open issues.
>>>> 1. Dealing with quoted qop (see *[reSIProcate] qop Parameter Parsing)*
>>>> 3. Problem with SharedPtr on Solaris ( see *[reSIProcate] Bugs in 
>>>> SharedPtr and SharedCount of ReSip1.0 when using libCstd 
>>>> compiling(not libstlport4) on SOLARIS *)
>>>> 5. Empty contents problem in client publish code in DUM ( see 
>>>> *[reSIProcate] [PATCH] Empty PUBLISH body if there is a pending 
>>>> publish* ) (talking with Scott, looks like patch will be fine)
>>>> 9. install target issues with dum and stack ( see *[reSIProcate] 
>>>> Minor Makefile issues* ) (patch applied, have not fixed install path 
>>>> for ares)
>>>> 10. Possible heap corruption on deletion of SipStack ( see 
>>>> *[reSIProcate] Crash in ares on deleting SipStack* ) (following up on 
>>>> list, probably a link error)
>>>> Old open issues:
>>>> A.  URI parsing bug in XMLCursor???
>>>> B.  Not using PrivateKey pass phrases at all.  All private keys must be
>>>> unencrypted on the disk.
>>>> C.  Change to DateCategory to make is more compatible with other
>>>> implementations.  (we should probably go ahead and do this)
>>>> D. Parser validation issues from Kayote. (Contact * can be allowed in
>>>> any Nameaddr)
>>>> E. PIDF XML parsing support for XML namespaces - The patch was not
>>>> applied, not addressed. Derek says we may want to deprecate our XML
>>>> parsing stuff; this will end up making A moot as well. (If the 
>>>> decision is to deprecate, lets go ahead and do it already.)
>>>> F. No support for /etc/hosts file
>>>> G. Hardening Helper::makeResponse so it can make well-formed responses
>>>> to malformed requests. (done, may require some code review to make sure)
>>>> H. Maybe having a ThreadIf::detach() would be nice. Not addressed, or
>>>> discussed. (see *[reSIProcate] adding detach to ThreadIf* )
>>>> Addressed issues:
>>>> 6. API problem in SipStack::addTransport() (see *[reSIProcate] 
>>>> Creating a DUM with automatic port?* ) (offending default port 
>>>> removed, might be nice to have the ability to tell the stack to open 
>>>> a transport on an ephemeral port)
>>>> 7. V6 address storage problem in Tuple (see *[reSIProcate] IPv6 
>>>> address in Via header gets its lower order bits chopped off (Win32 
>>>> platform)*) (patch was applied)
>>>> 8. Possible problem in SdpContents::getBodyData() ( see 
>>>> *[reSIProcate] SdpContents::getBodyData() returns stack pointer* ) 
>>>> (resolved, third-party problem)
>>>> 12. Possible failure in DUM unit test ( see *[reSIProcate] DUM test 
>>>> fails* ) (resolved)
>>>> I would like to remind everyone that I will be branching later today. 
>>>> We'll handle the majority of the remaining open issues afterwards.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Byron Campen
>>>>> I applied the patch for #4 and #11.   Also #2 is fixed.
>>>>> *From:* resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org 
>>>>> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org] *On Behalf 
>>>>> Of *Byron Campen
>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, January 29, 2007 12:08 PM
>>>>> *To:* resiprocate-devel
>>>>> *Subject:* [reSIProcate] Open issues for 1.1 release
>>>>> New open issues since last release (some of these may have been 
>>>>> resolved, if you know of any, speak up!)
>>>>> 1. Dealing with quoted qop (see *[reSIProcate] qop Parameter Parsing)*
>>>>> 2. Exception in DUM upon receipt of in DIalog 200 with different 
>>>>> to-tag. (see *[reSIProcate] exception when receiving 200 from 
>>>>> re-invite request with modified to: tag*)
>>>>> 3. Problem with SharedPtr on Solaris ( see *[reSIProcate] Bugs in 
>>>>> SharedPtr and SharedCount of ReSip1.0 when using libCstd 
>>>>> compiling(not libstlport4) on SOLARIS *)
>>>>> 4. Remove ATL dependency on Windows ( see *[reSIProcate] [PATCH] 
>>>>> Remove Win32 Visual Studio ATL dependency* )
>>>>> 5. Empty contents problem in client publish code in DUM ( see 
>>>>> *[reSIProcate] [PATCH] Empty PUBLISH body if there is a pending 
>>>>> publish* )
>>>>> 6. API problem in SipStack::addTransport() (see *[reSIProcate] 
>>>>> Creating a DUM with automatic port?* )
>>>>> 7. V6 address storage problem in Tuple (see *[reSIProcate] IPv6 
>>>>> address in Via header gets its lower order bits chopped off (Win32 
>>>>> platform)*)
>>>>> 8. Possible problem in SdpContents::getBodyData() ( see 
>>>>> *[reSIProcate] SdpContents::getBodyData() returns stack pointer* )
>>>>> 9. install target issues with dum and stack ( see *[reSIProcate] 
>>>>> Minor Makefile issues* )
>>>>> 10. Possible heap corruption on deletion of SipStack ( see 
>>>>> *[reSIProcate] Crash in ares on deleting SipStack* )
>>>>> 11. Dialog overwrites Route-Set when it should not ( see 
>>>>> *[reSIProcate] Question about Record-Route headers on re-Invite* )
>>>>> 12. Possible failure in DUM unit test ( see *[reSIProcate] DUM test 
>>>>> fails* )
>>>>> Old open issues:
>>>>> A.  URI parsing bug in XMLCursor???
>>>>> B.  Not using PrivateKey pass phrases at all.  All private keys must be
>>>>> unencrypted on the disk.
>>>>> C.  Change to DateCategory to make is more compatible with other
>>>>> implementations.  (we should probably go ahead and do this)
>>>>> D. Parser validation issues from Kayote. (Contact * can be allowed in
>>>>> any Nameaddr)
>>>>> E. PIDF XML parsing support for XML namespaces - The patch was not
>>>>> applied, not addressed. Derek says we may want to deprecate our XML
>>>>> parsing stuff; this will end up making A moot as well. (If the 
>>>>> decision is to deprecate, lets go ahead and do it already.)
>>>>> F. No support for /etc/hosts file
>>>>> G. Hardening Helper::makeResponse so it can make well-formed responses
>>>>> to malformed requests. (done, may require some code review to make 
>>>>> sure)
>>>>> H. Maybe having a ThreadIf::detach() would be nice. Not addressed, or
>>>>> discussed. (see *[reSIProcate] adding detach to ThreadIf* )
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Byron Campen
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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