[reSIProcate] Fwd: [reSIProcate-users] Issue with ICC 9.0

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Wed Aug 15 13:18:32 CDT 2007

	So, it looks like the #ifdef stuff in compat.hxx and Inserter.hxx is  
outdated wrt the intel compiler. Anyone want to take a crack at  
figuring out what versions of the intel compiler support what, and  
updating these files? (I do not have access to any version of the  
intel compiler.)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> From: "Thomas Mortimer" <tmortimer at apparentnetworks.com>
> Date: August 15, 2007 1:09:58 PM CDT
> To: "Byron Campen" <bcampen at estacado.net>
> Subject: RE: [reSIProcate-users] Issue with ICC 9.0
> Thanks for the speedy reply, that got it with the addition of  
> commenting out the following "#if !defined..." in Inserter.hxx.
> //#if !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
> template <class K, class C>
> std::ostream&
> insert(std::ostream& s, const std::set <K, C>& c)
> {
>    s << "[";
>    for (typename std::set <K, C>::const_iterator i = c.begin();
>         i != c.end(); i++)
>    {
>       if (i != c.begin())
>       {
>          s << ", ";
>       }
>       insert(s, *i);
>    }
>    s << "]";
>    return s;
> }
> //#endif
> Thanks a bunch!
> -Tom
> From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 10:09 AM
> To: Thomas Mortimer
> Cc: resiprocate-users at list.resiprocate.org
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate-users] Issue with ICC 9.0
> So, what is tripping you up is the following:
> from Inserter.hxx
> *snip*
> /// Completely generic insert function
> template <class T>
> std::ostream&
> insert(std::ostream& s, const T& t)
> {
> // use native <<
> s << t;
> return s;
> }
> #endif
> *snip*
> from compat.hxx
> *snip*
> #if !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
> #endif
> *snip*
> So, under the intel compiler, the version of insert that you need  
> is disabled (apparently there was a version of the intel compiler  
> that did not correctly handle this definition). You could try  
> removing the #ifdef REASONABLE_TEMPLATES guard around the  
> definition in Inserter.hxx, and see if it works. If it does, we may  
> need to fiddle with compat.hxx to take version into account.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> Hi There,
>> Trying to compile reSIProcate 1.1 with ICC 9.0 (Intel compiler).  
>> Having some issues here with the "resip::insert" functions. It  
>> seems to compile fine in gcc, however my hands are tied on using  
>> the intel compiler. I was wondering if anyone has seen this  
>> problem before, and if they can suggest anything. It seems like  
>> when the Inserter recursion makes it to the bottom it doesnt know  
>> what to do with the final type in the various containers:
>> ../../resip/stack/ParserContainer.hxx(172): error: no instance of  
>> overloaded function "resip::insert" matches the argument list
>> argument types are: (std::ostream, const resip::NameAddr)
>> insert(s, *i);
>> ^
>> detected during:
>> instantiation of "std::ostream &resip::insert(std::ostream &,  
>> const resip::ParserContainer<T> &) [with T=resip::NameAddr]" at  
>> line 248 of "../../rutil/Inserter.hxx"
>> instantiation of "std::ostream &resip::operator<<(std::ostream &,  
>> const resip::InserterClass<T> &) [with T=resip::NameAddrs]"
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> -Tom
>> Thomas Mortimer
>> Software Developer
>> Apparent Networks
>> tmortimer at apparentnetworks.com
>> www.apparentnetworks.com
>> Tel: 604.433.2333 ext 132
>> Cel: 604.772.6957
>> 400 - 321 Water Street
>> Vancouver, BC V6B 1B8
>> Tel.1.800.508.5233 Fax. 604.433.2311
>> <email_signature_image.gif>
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