[reSIProcate] ares doesn't send query to DNS servers of othersubnets

Matthias Moetje moetje at terasens.com
Mon Jul 16 15:26:11 CDT 2007


> Somewhat ugly from a customer-care perspective. This is a recurring
> complaint for us but your "proprietary behaviour" concern is duly noted
> since this is a setup problem, most prevalent in a client invironment.
> It
> will be implemented in our internal code base and a patch will be
> released
> for whomever is interested.

We have been facing a similar issue and would be interested in a patch, too.
If this feature would be a configurable option I'd see no reason why it should not be integrated into the stack.

What do others think?

Best regards,

Matthias Moetje

TERASENS GmbH       Phone:  +49.89.143370-0
Augustenstraße 24   Fax:    +49.89.143370-22
80333 Munich        e-mail: info at terasens.com
GERMANY             Web:    www.terasens.com

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