[reSIProcate] [ReSIProcate_1.1_RC2] submit a patch for DUM/ClientPublication.cxx

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Mar 15 16:49:37 CDT 2007

	Good find. Now, would it be necessary to call handler->onFailure()  
in this case? Is getting a 412 considered a "failure" for an  
unPUBLISH? (As far as intent goes, it seems not to me)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Dear reSIProcate team,
> I find a bug in the implementation of the "ClientPublication" class  
> when handling response to a 412 message received from server.
> You previously remove the "SIP-if-match" tag and republish the  
> document.
> This SHALL NOT be done if the 412 response is received when trying  
> to end the publication (Expires header set to 0)
> In that case nothing more have to be done !
> In fact publishing again with expires set to 0 and without a Sip-if- 
> match will raise a 412 again and again !!!
> void ClientPublication::dispatch(const SipMessage& msg) {
> ...
>          if (code == 412)
>          {
>                         // Receive a 412 while ending a  
> publication, nothing more to do in this case.
>                         if(mPublish->header(h_Expires).value() != 0 )
>                         {
>                                 InfoLog(<< "SIPIfMatch failed --  
> republish");
>                                 mPublish->remove(h_SIPIfMatch);
>                                 update(mDocument);
>                                 return;
>                         }
>                         else {
>                                 delete this;
>                                 return;
>                         }
>          }
>          else if (code == 423) // interval too short
> ...
> }
> Hope this will be corrected in next candidate release
> Best Regards
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