[reSIProcate] sanityTests: error while loading shared libraries

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Thu Mar 8 13:39:50 CST 2007

	I have had this happen before. There is some sort of glitch in  
either our build system or Netxx's build system that causes dynamic  
libs to be built even when they are not supposed to be. By default,  
the linker will prefer dynamic libs over static ones, so when this  
happens, sanityTests links against the dynamic lib, which is nowhere  
in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. When this has happened in the past, I've just  
made clean in tfm/contrib/Netxx-0.3.2, and then rebuilt tfm. (Or, you  
could go in and find the libNetxx.so files that get built and remove  
them before rebuilding tfm)

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> I'm gettin this error when i try to run sanityTests executable on  
> fedora core 5. I have no idea what to do.i have built Netxx and  
> cppunit so i'm not sure what else am i to do at this point.
> ./sanityTests: error while loading shared libraries: libNetxx.so.1:  
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> any help wud be greatly appreciated
> Brett Nisbett
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