[reSIProcate] Authentication challenge issue

Daniel Pocock daniel at readytechnology.co.uk
Thu Feb 15 06:34:07 CST 2007

Niraj Roy wrote:
> Hi,
> 	One issue with Authentication.
> 	I have created a profile for user Bob with the domain name
> 'biloxy.com'.
> 	Bob is trying to place a call to hirel at cisco.com.
> 	Hence 'Request Uri' and 'To' header will contain 'hirel at cisco.com'
> 	And From header will contain 'Bob at biloxy.com'.
> 	In the current implementation while challenging ServerAuthManager
> use Request Line for supplying realm. Hence 407 Challenge responses contain
> 'cisco.com' in the required realm.
> 	Bob resends INVITE request 'cisco.com' in it's realm.
> 	But his profile domain is set to 'biloxy.com' hence
> ServerAuthManager sends 404 Error response.
> 	I think ServerAuthManager should take realm from the 'From' header
> instead of Request Line..
> 	Any guess...?

You can write your own sub-class of ServerAuthManager, call it 
MyServerAuthManager for instance.

These virtual methods need to be implemented with your own logic:

      virtual bool authorizedForThisIdentity(const resip::Data &user,
                                             const resip::Data &realm,
                                             resip::Uri &fromUri);

      virtual const Data& getChallengeRealm(const SipMessage& msg);

      virtual bool isMyRealm(const Data& realm);

> 	Niraj
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