[reSIProcate] DNS blacklist/whitelist problem on resip 1.1 RC1

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Mar 2 13:44:30 CST 2007

	The blacklist is happening because of a timeout. (From line 41 of  
the file you sent):

  ![2007-03-02 18:02:59.704] <2520:RESIP:TRANSACTION>  DEBUG |  
TimerQueue.cxx:85 | Adding timer: Timer E1 tid=b04fc24db1466679 ms=4000

 From line 107
  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.110] <2520:RESIP>  DEBUG | Helper.cxx:372 |  
Helper::makeResponse(SipReq:  BYE 77777 at  
tid=b04fc24db1466679 cseq=BYE contact=77777 at / 3  
from(tu) code=408 reason=

This request was sent before your logfile begins, but apparently some  
sort of timeout has occurred, causing the stack to blacklist.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Here's a bigger log snip. There really shouldn't be any DNS lookup  
> for the offending IP Addr because I provide my proxy as an IP addr,  
> not name.
> Bill Kovar
> From: Byron Campen [mailto:bcampen at estacado.net]
> Sent: Friday, March 02, 2007 1:30 PM
> To: Kovar, William (Bill)
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] DNS blacklist/whitelist problem on resip  
> 1.1 RC1
> Well, these logs give me no indication of why the stack is  
> blacklisting that tuple. The only reasons this should happen is
> 1) The remote endpoint sent a 503 with a Retry-After.
> 2) The remote endpoint timed out.
> 3) The transport to the remote endpoint failed.
> Since you are using UDP, my guess is 2, but I need to see more  
> logging to be sure.
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
>> I'm testing out resip 1.1 RC1 in a performance environment and I  
>> am seeing 503 errors being generated due to an IP blacklist. This  
>> seems to toggle an IP address (my one and only proxy) between  
>> whitelist and blacklist and vip. I don't profess to know what all  
>> these things are, but within about 1.5 seconds the below sequence  
>> happens.
>> Any ideas what's causing this?? I have more logs if you need.
>> Here's a snippet of the log: WHITELIST and VIP update
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:02:59.704] <2520:RESIP:TRANSPORT>  DEBUG |  
>> Transport.cxx:213 | Adding message to tx buffer to: [ V4  
>> UDP target domain= received on:  
>> Transport: [ V4 UDP target domain=unspecified  
>> connectionId=0 ] connectionId=0 ]
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:02:59.751] <2520:RESIP:TRANSPORT>  DEBUG |  
>> Transport.cxx:287 | incoming from: [ V4 UDP  
>> target domain=unspecified received on: Transport: [ V4  
>> UDP target domain=unspecified connectionId=0 ]  
>> connectionId=0 ]
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:02:59.751] <2520:RESIP:DNS>  DEBUG |  
>> DnsResult.cxx:186 | Whitelisting
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:02:59.751] <2520:RESIP:DNS>  DEBUG | RRVip.cxx: 
>> 129 | updating an existing vip: with
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:02:59.751] <2520:RESIP:TRANSACTION>  DEBUG |  
>> TransactionState.cxx:1852 | Send to TU: TU: DialogUsageManager size=0
>> Here's a snippet of the log: BLACKLIST
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.922] <2520:RESIP:TRANSPORT>  DEBUG |  
>> TransportSelector.cxx:271 | Looking up dns entries (from route)  
>> for sip:;lr
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.922] <2520:RESIP:DNS>  DEBUG |  
>> DnsResult.cxx:194 | DnsResult::lookup sip:;lr
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.922] <2520:RESIP:DNS>  DEBUG |  
>> DnsResult.cxx:384 | Numeric result, but this result is currently  
>> blacklisted: [ V4 TCP target  
>> domain= connectionId=0 ]
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.922] <2520:RESIP:TRANSACTION>  INFO |  
>> TransactionState.cxx:1390 | Ran out of dns entries for  
>> Send 503
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.922] <2520:RESIP>  DEBUG | Helper.cxx:372 |  
>> Helper::makeResponse(SipReq:  REFER 7325559207 at  
>> tid=9a78ad516a714335 cseq=REFER  
>> contact=77779 at / 2 from(tu) code=503 reason=
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:00.922] <2520:RESIP:TRANSACTION>  DEBUG |  
>> TransactionState.cxx:1852 | Send to TU: TU: DialogUsageManager size=0
>> SIP/2.0 503 Service Unavailable
>> Here's a snippet of the log: WHITELIST
>> ![2007-03-02 18:03:01.563] <2520:RESIP:TRANSPORT>  DEBUG |  
>> TcpBaseTransport.cxx:147 | TcpBaseTransport::processSomeReads()   
>> read=576
>>  ![2007-03-02 18:03:01.563] <2520:RESIP:DNS>  DEBUG |  
>> DnsResult.cxx:186 | Whitelisting
>> Bill Kovar
>> bkovar at avaya.com
>> Avaya, Inc.
>> (732) 852-2609
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> <Blacklist_problem.zip>

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