[reSIProcate] How to maintain SUBSCRIBE AppDialogSets?
Dien Ba Quang
dienbaquang at gmail.com
Fri May 4 10:42:30 CDT 2007
Thanks Scott,
So I should store Subscription handles that were taken from in the two
callback functions?:
void onNewSubscription(ServerSubscriptionHandle is, const SipMessage& sub)
void onNewSubscription(ClientSubscriptionHandle, const SipMessage& notify)
How can I know the Subscription handles are still valid (alive)? Do I have
to do it manual by tracking the status with callback functions:
void onTerminated(ClientSubscriptionHandle is, const SipMessage& msg)
virtual void onTerminated(ServerSubscriptionHandle)
And the last one: How can I re-send the subscribe messages (using the same
Subscription handles)?
Thank you very much.
On 5/4/07, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:
> Either way should work. Storing subscription handles is easier to
> in a safe manner.
> From: Dien Ba Quang [mailto:dienbaquang at gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 4:18 PM
> To: Scott Godin
> Cc: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] How to maintain SUBSCRIBE AppDialogSets?
> Hi Scott,
> >>"When your app shuts down you should end() all subscriptions "
> Thank you for your instructions, but how can I end() all subscriptions?
> Call end() function from AppSetDialog class or
> ServerSubscriptionHandle/ClientSubscriptionHandle? So I
> should store all the SUBSCRIBE AppSetDialog or all the SUBSCRIBE handles?
> Thanks in advanced.
> Best reagrds,
> DBQ.
> On 5/3/07, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:
> In general you should not be deleting AppDialogSets – DUM manages their
> lifetime and will delete them, when they are no longer required.
> When your app shuts down you should end() all subscriptions and execute a
> dum->shutdown while running the process loop, when all dialogs are
> the shutdown callback will be called.
> From: resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org
> [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org] On
> Behalf Of Dien Ba Quang
> Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2007 11:35 AM
> To: resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> Subject: [reSIProcate] How to maintain SUBSCRIBE AppDialogSets?
> Hi,
> In my soft phone, I implemented SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY messages to maintain
> buddy list. But I have some problems with the SUBSCRIBE AppDialogSets, it
> crashed sometimes. Below is my implementation:
> After received 200 OK for REGISTER messages, send SUBSCRIBE messages for
> every contacts in my buddy list (code below).
> 1. The problem is when I try to delete all the AppDialogSets (when
> soft phone), it crashed my app. So do you know how DUM deletes the
> AppDialogSet? and What's the good ways to maintain the SUBSCRIBE
> AppDialogSets?
> 2. When I repeated sending SUBSCRIBE messages from another instant (the
> same code) to the soft phone, it crashed (just sometime). I don't know
> what's the problem with DUM? It's always crash at line 775 in
> AppDialog* appDialog =
> mAppDialogSet->createAppDialog(msg);
> Best regards,
> DBQ.
> void SendSubscribe(char* contact, int exp_time)
> {
> try {
> string validContact = validateSipAddress(contact);
> NameAddr uasAor(validContact.c_str());
> Data mevent("presence");
> //Check if the contact already has the AppDialogSet or not
> testAppDialogSet *m_pADS = uac.getSubscribeDialog(uasAor.uri());
> if (m_pADS == NULL) //if not -> create a new one and store into a
> list(contact, group, AppDialogSet)
> {
> testAppDialogSet *m_pADS = new testAppDialogSet(*(clientDum),
> uac.addBuddy(uasAor.uri(), "Friends", m_pADS);
> }
> SharedPtr<SipMessage> SubscribeMessage =
> clientDum->makeSubscription(uasAor, mevent, exp_time,
> m_pADS);
> clientDum->send(SubscribeMessage);
> }
> catch (BaseException& e) {
> return;
> }
> //delete all SUBSCRIBE AppDialogSets
> void TestUac::deleteSubscribeDialog()
> {
> TestUac::BuddyIterator i;
> i = mBuddies.begin ();
> while ( i != mBuddies.end() )
> {
> if ( i->presDialog != NULL )
> {
> delete i->presDialog;
> i->presDialog = NULL;
> }
> i = mBuddies.erase (i);
> }
> }
> //Subscription Callbacks
> void TestUac::onUpdateActive(ClientSubscriptionHandle is,
> const SipMessage& notify, bool outOfOrder)
> {
> if (notify.header(h_Event).value() == Data("message-summary"))
> {
> is->acceptUpdate();
> //TODO:check voice message
> return;
> }
> is->acceptUpdate();
> Contents *body = notify.getContents();
> //Received NOTIFY message event with no contents
> if (!body){
> return;
> }
> Pidf* pidf = dynamic_cast<Pidf*>(body);
> Uri uri = pidf->getEntity();
> //update status of uri as Online
> PresenceNotify((char*)uri.user().c_str(), 1, 0);
> }
> void TestUac::onNewSubscription(ServerSubscriptionHandle
> is, const SipMessage& sub)
> {
> SharedPtr<SipMessage> sipmsg = is->accept();
> is->send(sipmsg);
> Data fromAor(sub.header(h_From).uri().getAor());
> string name = str_get_username(fromAor.c_str());
> if (sub.header(h_Expires).value() != 0){
> Token state;
> state.value() = Data("active");
> Pidf *doc = new Pidf(Mime("application", "pidf-xml"));
> doc->setEntity(myUri);
> doc->setSimpleStatus(true);
> sipmsg = is->update(doc);
> sipmsg->header(h_SubscriptionState) = state;
> is->send(sipmsg);
> delete doc;
> //check if the name is not online --> resend SUBSCRIBE message
> PresenceNotify((char*)name.c_str(), 1, 1);
> }
> else {
> //in case Unsubscribe expire = 0
> PresenceNotify((char*)name.c_str(), 0, 0);
> }
> }
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