[reSIProcate] Problem while establishing TLS connection betweenResiprocate Client and OpenSER Server..........................

kapatralla ahmed kapatralla80 at gmail.com
Thu May 3 14:49:30 CDT 2007

Yeah ...Forgot to metion that I renamed the rootCA as root_cert_cacert.pem
....I guess this should suffice...Please let me know If I am wrong...

Regarding the path....I set as

                    Security* security = new
                    SipStack stack(security);


On 5/4/07, Scott Godin <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:
>  Some notes:
> 1.        The code snippet you show below does not pass the cert path that
> you mentioned.
> 2.        The Root cert must be named correctly – please see the following
> link for more info: http://www.resiprocate.org/Certificates
> Scott
> *From:* resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org [mailto:
> resiprocate-devel-bounces at list.resiprocate.org] *On Behalf Of *kapatralla
> ahmed
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 03, 2007 3:16 PM
> *To:* resiprocate-devel at list.resiprocate.org
> *Subject:* [reSIProcate] Problem while establishing TLS connection
> betweenResiprocate Client and OpenSER Server..........................
> Hi folks..
> I am using a Resiprocate Client in which TLS is being used as
> transport...I am trying to register the same with a OpenSER server.
> On the server side,
> 1. I configured the openser.cfg (tls_verify_client = 0 &
> tls_request_certificate = 0) and openserctl.   (  * I am not providing the
> whole cfg file as I dont have with me as of now...but its configured
> properly  :-)   )
> 2. I created a RootCA using # openserctl tls rootCA at OpenSER
> 3. and then use certs using # openserctl tls usercert user at OpenSER
> On the Client side,
> 3. Then I copied the exact OpenSER cacert.pem from server to the client
> machine into the path resiprocate/resip/certs which has been given as my
> certs path using security object passed to the stack constructor.
>                     Security* security = new Security;
>                     SipStack stack(security);
> 4. Now I tried running my client which gave me the following errors:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Its actually entering the VerifyCallback(ilnCode, plnStore) in the
> Security.cxx  where the passed-in ilnCode = 0 coz the verification failed.
> Error when  verifying server's chain of certificates: self signed
> certificate in certificate chain, depth=1
> /CN=OpenSER/ST=SIP/C=IP/emailAddres
> TLS connection failed ok=-1 err=1 error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I have few questions here:
> 1. If just adding the cacert.pem to the client is not enough, thn what
> else should I do to add the same to the trusted root CA store of the client
> in resiprocate??
>  On OpenSER, I can do the same by appending the cacert.pem into the
> ca_list.pem
> 2. How to solve this OpenSER certificate verification problem at
> resiprocate Client side.
> 3. Do I need to do in addition to addin the cacert.pem at the Client.
> I used Repro server ..still the same problem persists...
> Can someone tell me the seuqential procedures to make resiprocate
> Client connect on TLS  with OpenSER server and how to solve the above said
> problem..
> I will be very much obliged at your kind and earliest response.
> Best regards,
> Irshad.
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