[reSIProcate] Probable memory leaks in DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess
Byron Campen
bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Mar 2 13:57:25 CST 2007
Just after running incoming messages through the feature chains, we
enter a try block whose catch logs an error, and takes no further
catch(BaseException& e)
//unparseable, bad 403 w/ 2543 trans it from FWD, etc
ErrLog(<<"Illegal message rejected: " << e.getMessage());
Looking at the code, incomingProcess is ultimately responsible for
making and sending responses to requests. It may delegate this
responsibility, but its job is to ensure that _everything_ gets a
reply of some sort before returning. Failing to reply to a request
will cause the stack to leak memory, as I have said a million times.
I can see several places where an exception will be thrown upon
receiving garbage from the wire.
in MasterProfile::getUnsupportedOptionsTags() at line 110 called by
DialogUsageManager::validateRequiredOptions() at line 1325 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1218
MasterProfile::getUnsupportedOptionsTags(const Tokens&
Tokens tokens;
for (Tokens::const_iterator i=requiresOptionTags.begin(); i !=
requiresOptionTags.end(); ++i)
// if this option is not supported
if (!mSupportedOptionTags.find(*i))
return tokens;
The code highlighted will throw if we encounter a malformed Token (a
Requires header-field (Token::parse() won't throw on us itself, but
it calls parseParameters(), which means all bets are off)
in DialogUsageManager::validateContent() at line 1347 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1223
// RFC3261 - 8.2.3
// Don't need to validate content headers if they are specified
as optional in the content-disposition
if (!(request.exists(h_ContentDisposition) &&
request.header(h_ContentDisposition).exists(p_handling) &&
(p_handling), Symbols::Optional)))
The code highlighted will throw if Content-Disposition is malformed.
in MasterProfile::isMimeTypeSupported() at line 143 called by
DialogUsageManager::validateContent() at line 1351 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1223
MasterProfile::isMimeTypeSupported(const MethodTypes& method, const
Mime& mimeType)
std::map<MethodTypes, Mimes>::iterator found =
if (found != mSupportedMimeTypes.end())
return found->second.find(mimeType);
return false;
The code highlighted will throw if the mimeType passed (the Content-
Type header-field-value) is malformed.
in MasterProfile::isContentEncodingSupported() at line 184 called by
DialogUsageManager::validateContent() at line 1363 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1223
MasterProfile::isContentEncodingSupported(const Token& encoding) const
return mSupportedEncodings.find(encoding);
The highlighted text will throw if the Token (the Content-Encoding
header-field-value) is malformed.
in MasterProfile::isLanguageSupported() at line 184 called by
DialogUsageManager::validateContent() at line 1375 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1223
MasterProfile::isLanguageSupported(const Tokens& langs) const
for (Tokens::const_iterator i=langs.begin(); i != langs.end(); ++i)
if (mSupportedLanguages.find(*i) == false)
return false;
return true;
in MasterProfile::isMimeTypeSupported() at line 143 called by
DialogUsageManager::validateAccept() at line 1401 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1228
MasterProfile::isMimeTypeSupported(const MethodTypes& method, const
Mime& mimeType)
std::map<MethodTypes, Mimes>::iterator found =
if (found != mSupportedMimeTypes.end())
return found->second.find(mimeType);
return false;
The code highlighted will throw if the mimeType passed (an Accept
header-field-value) is malformed.
in DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1234
if (sipMsg->header(h_From).exists(p_tag))
if (mergeRequest(*sipMsg) )
InfoLog (<< "Merged request: " << *sipMsg);
If the From header-field-value is malformed, this will throw (unless
something has already checked it).
in DialogUsageManager::mergeRequest() at line 1438 called by
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1236
if (!request.header(h_To).exists(p_tag))
if (mMergedRequests.count(MergedRequestKey(request,
SipMessage failure;
makeResponse(failure, request, 482, "Merged Request");
failure.header(h_AcceptLanguages) = getMasterProfile()-
return true;
If the To header-field-value is malformed, an exception is thrown.
in MergedRequestKey::MergedRequestKey() at line 17
called by DialogUsageManager::mergeRequest() at line 1440
DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess() at line 1236
MergedRequestKey::MergedRequestKey(const SipMessage& req, bool
checkRequestUri) :
mTag(req.header(h_From).exists(p_tag) ? req.header(h_From).param
(p_tag) : Data::Empty),
If the Call-Id header-field-value is malformed, this will throw.
(additionally, if the From header-field-value is malformed, we throw,
but there is code that runs before this that will throw first. CSeq
is safe, since it is checked for well-formedness by the stack, but it
may be appropriate to account for this anyway in case things change)
Hitting any of these code-paths with a request will cause the stack
to leak a TransactionState. Our problems do not end there, however. I
haven't had time to look through all the possible feature-chains that
can be invoked, but if any of them throw, the exception ends up
making it to an even higher level (whatever is calling
DialogUsageManager::process()), and we leak. Lastly, I have not
gotten around to inspecting either of
DialogUsageManager::processRequest() or
DialogUsageManager::processResponse(). If either of these end up
throwing, we are going to leak.
We need to fix this stuff. I would take a crack at fixing it, but
then again I am just getting my feet wet with DUM. I could break
something unintentionally.
Best regards,
Byron Campen
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