[reSIProcate] DUM process loop crashes on TCP connection close initiated by peer

Byron Campen bcampen at estacado.net
Fri Oct 26 08:34:40 CDT 2007

	You're going to have to be more specific; where is the error  
occurring? There are lots of places where auto_ptr is used in the  
code. It may be that the problem has been fixed in the latest release.

Best regards,
Byron Campen

> Hi,
> We're running reSIProcate (rev 1.0.3)  on our IPBX to connect to an  
> operator network for SIP trunking. The SIP trunking works fine when  
> the UDP transport is used. However, when we change the transport to  
> TCP, the SIP stack crashes on the connection close initiated by the  
> operator network. The test scenario is as follows:
> register to operator network using tcp transport
> ... wait some time while being inactive ...
> ... receive TCP [FIN, ACK] from operator network => causing DUM  
> process loop to crash.
> Our application and DUM/stack run in separate processes. We  
> basically run the typical DUM process loop as follows:
>   while (!dumShutDown)
>   {
>      FdSet fdset;
>      stack->buildFdSet(fdset);
>      int err = fdset.selectMilliSeconds(stack- 
> >getTimeTillNextProcessMS());
>      assert ( err != -1 );
>      stack->process(fdset);
>      while(dumUas->process());
>   }
> The DUM process loop crashes (segmentation fault) on ~auto_ptr() call.
> Can anyone help?
> Is this a known problem fixed in a version later than 1.0.3?
> Kind regards,
> Shaofeng
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