2013 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jan 2 17:28:46 CST 2013
Ending: Mon Dec 30 23:37:24 CST 2013
Messages: 376
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Joegen Baclor
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Joegen Baclor
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Question about WsDecorator
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil usingVS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil usingVS2005
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Compiler error in TcpBaseTransport
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] Error compiling DtlsTransport.cxx
Dario Bozzali
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Jorge Bustamante
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Jorge Bustamante
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing on various non-Intel builds
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing on various non-Intel builds
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing on various non-Intel builds
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit (was: testTuple failing on s390x build)
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] public API, config.h and CPPflags issues
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] public API, config.h and CPPflags issues
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] public API, config.h and CPPflags issues
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Byron Campen
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Stale Call Timer
Jason Fischl
- [reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry
Jeremy Geras
- [reSIProcate] Ares crash
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Building Resiprocate for Stack
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] RFC 4661 support
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] RFC 4661 support
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] ReSiprocate Stack Compilation Issue
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Important: Changes to the VisualStudio Build
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WebRTC branch available now
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] The 1.8.6 tag
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] "We Use Resiprocate" Page Refesh
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Support for PRACK (UAC+UAS)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] retry-after for ServerSubscription termination.
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Question about handling NOTIFY responses for ServerSubscriptions
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WebSockets, Outbound and Flow tokens
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] b-webrtc changes that may have wider impact
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Question about handling NOTIFY responses for ServerSubscriptions
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Boost version is too old
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] websockets heap corruption
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Netxx project gone away?
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Early media followed by 200 OK without SDP
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DUM UAS 1xx response retransmitted more times
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DUM UAS 1xx response retransmitted more times
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Intermittent problems using TCP on windows
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] v1.9.x road map updates
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] v1.9.x road map updates
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Bug report - Incorrect define
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DNS and Windows
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] GSoC contributions to reSIProcate
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] web site updates
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] 302 with more then one destination in Contact:
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] 302 with more then one destination in Contact:
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] WebSocket cookie support
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Ares crash on dns answer
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] how to write code to register multiple sip servers?
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Stale Call Timer
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Help needed for WebRTC support
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Stale Call Timer
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] repro
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] repro
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] repro
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] SVN commit issue - error 500
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] UAS Prack Support is Finally Arriving!
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] MessageDecorator API (was: memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx)
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] UAS Prack Support is Finally Arriving!
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] route scripting support with Python added to repro
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] testThreadIf sensitivity?
Scott Godin
- [reSIProcate] Early media followed by 200 OK without SDP
Jan Granqvist
- [reSIProcate] Early media followed by 200 OK without SDP
Jan Granqvist
- [reSIProcate] Intermittent problems using TCP on windows
Jan Granqvist
- [reSIProcate] how to write code to register multiple sip servers?
Allen Guan
- [reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Allen Guan
- [reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Allen Guan
- [reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Allen Guan
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Yannick Guay
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Yannick Guay
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Yannick Guay
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Yannick Guay
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
Yannick Guay
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
Yannick Guay
- [reSIProcate] DNS and Windows
Mike Hubbard
- [reSIProcate] DNS and Windows
Mike Hubbard
- [reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora
Douglas Hubler
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Support for PRACK (UAC+UAS)
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Question about handling NOTIFY responses for ServerSubscriptions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] problem Build resiprocate in linux
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Question about handling NOTIFY responses for ServerSubscriptions
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler::onNewSubscription regression
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler::onNewSubscription regression
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler::onNewSubscription regression
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] UAS Prack Support is Finally Arriving!
Francis Joanis
- [reSIProcate] The 1.8.6 tag
- [reSIProcate] reSIProcate on Android
- [reSIProcate] Boost version is too old
- [reSIProcate] Paid service: Anyone can help me to compile the resip on Android?
- [reSIProcate] Patch for rutil
- [reSIProcate] Patch for rutil
- [reSIProcate] wiki login errors
Philip Kizer
- [reSIProcate] merge mayhem?
Philip Kizer
- [reSIProcate] merge mayhem?
Philip Kizer
- [reSIProcate] SVN commit issue - error 500
Philip Kizer
- [reSIProcate] repro Setup using .NET Framework
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] repro Setup using .NET Framework
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] Important: Changes to the VisualStudio Build
Matthias Moetje
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch 1/2] Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx
Zhi An Ng
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch 2/2] Code cleanup for test/testConnectionBase.cxx
Zhi An Ng
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch 1/2] Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx
Zhi An Ng
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch] Fixes for previous patch (titled: Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx)
Zhi An Ng
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Alan Partis
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Alan Partis
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Alan Partis
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Sergey Pavlov
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Sergey Pavlov
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
Sergey Pavlov
- [reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] 1.8.6... almost....
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] reSIProcate 1.8.6 released
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] FOSDEM in 2 weeks (1-3 February) - reSIProcate in main track
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] autotools / build docs (was: git)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: [Errored] resiprocate/resiprocate#83 (master - d8ed117)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro crash with Jitsi
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: Proposed F19 Feature: Federated VoIP
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WebRTC branch available now
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WebRTC branch available now
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WebRTC branch available now
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] webrtc/websocket branch test results
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] webrtc/websocket branch test results
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] webrtc/websocket branch test results
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Ellemtel code style in Eclipse
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] future of TransportType?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] bugs found?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] disabling basicClient test case
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] DUM: Usage of potentially unsafe handles in async *Command() actions
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] The 1.8.6 tag
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Google Summer of Code??
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Important: Changes to the VisualStudio Build
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] travis-ci / continuous integration / automated builds
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: [Fixed] resiprocate/resiprocate#201 (master - 31fe53f)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fedora progress / rpmlint errors
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] latest WebRTC update
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] latest webrtc update - JsSIP now registers
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] isReliable() and isSecure()
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] wiki login errors
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] reTurn dropping privileges
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] merging b-webrtc sometime soon....
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WebSockets, Outbound and Flow tokens
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] b-webrtc changes that may have wider impact
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] problem Build resiprocate in linux
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] b-webrtc merged into main
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] 1.8.7 in the works
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Google Summer of Code - mentors needed
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] websockets heap corruption
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] valgrind memory analysis
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: [Passed] resiprocate/resiprocate#269 (resiprocate-1.8.8 - 12529c3)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch 1/2] Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch 1/2] Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch 2/2] Code cleanup for test/testConnectionBase.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch] Fixes for previous patch (titled: Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Netxx project gone away?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Netxx project gone away?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Asterisk 11 + repro WebRTC tested
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] [repro-devel] reSIProcate-SIP client (command line WebSocket client)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] preparing for 1.8.9
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] 1.8.9 tarball for testing
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9.x road map updates
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing on various non-Intel builds
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9.x road map updates
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] test cases failing on various non-Intel builds
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 enabled by default in future
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] testTuple failing on s390x build
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit (was: testTuple failing on s390x build)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] next release version, skipped versions
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] CAJUN, TFM and Netxx on UNIX builds
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] public API, config.h and CPPflags issues
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] public API, config.h and CPPflags issues
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] public API, config.h and CPPflags issues
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] moving libb2bua out of the main repository
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] b2bua tests.
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] CAJUN into github
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler::onNewSubscription regression
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: [Fixed] resiprocate/resiprocate#303 (resiprocate-1.8 - 66bc34d)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler::onNewSubscription regression
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] clang builds failing
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] web site updates
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Coverity scan enrolment, clang-analyzer
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WebSocket cookie support
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] making a 1.9 release
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] new Cookie authentication scheme implemented
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] US visit (SF, Chicago), October
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS stability
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] WSS stability
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] bind address bug
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Visual Studio import errors
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] experimenting with Win 7, Visual Studio Express and Git
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] travis builds fixed (Ubuntu version change, cajun, Coverity version change)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Request for symbols definition (WS and WSS)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Help needed for WebRTC support
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Patch for rutil
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] repro
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] merge mayhem?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] merge mayhem?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] beta2 skipped, beta3 released
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] SVN commit issue - error 500
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] SVN commit issue - error 500
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil using VS2005
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] update on stdint changes
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] New #define landmine; RESIP_USE_STL_STREAMS
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Errors compiling last release of rutil usingVS2005
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] testTcp failing on some builds
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: Re: integration of c-ares into various file descriptor based main loops
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] UAS Prack Support is Finally Arriving!
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] MessageDecorator API (was: memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx)
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] memory management and asynchronous activity in TransactionState.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] async MessageDecorator branch
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Compiler error in TcpBaseTransport
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Error compiling DtlsTransport.cxx
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] route scripting support with Python added to repro
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] plugin example config for DSO and Python
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] testThreadIf sensitivity?
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Daniel Pocock
- [reSIProcate] Asterisk 11 + repro WebRTC tested
Adam Roach
- [reSIProcate] Issue compiling Security.cxx
Adam Roach
- [reSIProcate] Stay in touch with me through LinkedIn
Surasak Sermluxananon
- [reSIProcate] WSS with Repro
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with Repro
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS with AfterSocketCreationFunction causes core
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] 302 with more then one destination in Contact:
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] 302 with more then one destination in Contact:
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] 302 with more then one destination in Contact:
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] DNS SRV multiple records and timeouts
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS stability
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] WSS stability
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] repro
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] repro
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] repro
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] repro
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] Building latest SVN
Nathan Stratton
- [reSIProcate] Bug report - Incorrect define
Thomas Troy
- [reSIProcate] Stale Call Timer
Thomas Troy
- [reSIProcate] [reTurn][patch][gsoc] Added support for multiple users
Catalin Usurelu
- [reSIProcate] WebSocket cookie support
Catalin Constantin Usurelu
- [reSIProcate] GSoC contributions to reSIProcate
Cătălin Constantin Ușurelu
- [reSIProcate] DUM UAS 1xx response retransmitted more times
Tibor Velencei
- [reSIProcate] Google Summer of Code 2013: Debian WebRTC project discussion
Dizhi Zhou
- [reSIProcate] Help needed for WebRTC support
andrea chiappori
- [reSIProcate] HeaderNames issue
slgodin at gmail.com
- [reSIProcate] merging b-webrtc sometime soon....
slgodin at gmail.com
- [reSIProcate] Visual Studio import errors
slgodin at gmail.com
- [reSIProcate] problem Build resiprocate in linux
sanjeev kumar
- [reSIProcate] TimerCleanUp core dump.
- [reSIProcate] Ares crash on dns answer
- [reSIProcate] DnsResult blacklistLast,greylistLast question.
- [reSIProcate] retry-after for ServerSubscription termination.
roman.romanchenko at portaone.com
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
roman.romanchenko at portaone.com
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
roman.romanchenko at portaone.com
- [reSIProcate] Fwd: Re: crash on mailformed From field.
roman.romanchenko at portaone.com
- [reSIProcate] crash on mailformed From field.
roman.romanchenko at portaone.com
- [reSIProcate] RFC 4661 support
resip stack
- [reSIProcate] Building Resiprocate for Stack
resip stack
- [reSIProcate] ReSiprocate Stack Compilation Issue
resip stack
Last message date:
Mon Dec 30 23:37:24 CST 2013
Archived on: Fri Sep 18 10:02:16 CDT 2020
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).