[reSIProcate] rendIt on osx
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.com.au
Mon Sep 2 12:28:40 CDT 2013
Hi Jason,
It's good to hear from you again. Did you get any feedback about this?
I'm not using OS X myself, but one thing that comes to mind is the build
system change - there are some macros relating to select or epoll usage,
I'm not sure if they are set for rend - you may want to look through the
source for any macros it depends on, check that you include config.h and
so on.
Do the test cases for rutil, resip, etc all run fine on your system?
On 29/08/13 00:45, Jason Fischl wrote:
> Hey guys (I'm back from the dead),
> I'm trying to get rendIt working on osx. I'm running into problems
> with what I think is the code related to epoll - which is not
> available on OSX. rendIt has likely only been tested on linux in the
> past.
> RendRunner.cxx is instantiating a resip::EventStackSimpleMgr with
> implName = "epoll". I thought that I could work around this issue by
> changing implName to "fdset". However, when I do this, here's what I
> see when the sip stack tries to bind to the UDP port on 5060.
> DEBUG | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180
> | InternalTransport.cxx:115 | Creating fd=12 V4/UDP
> DEBUG | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180
> | InternalTransport.cxx:123 | Binding to
> INFO | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180 |
> Transport.cxx:199 | Some other error (49): Can't assign requested
> address
> ERR | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180 |
> InternalTransport.cxx:137 | Could not bind to [ V4
> UDP target domain=unspecified mFlowKey=12 ]
> DEBUG | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP | 0x7fff773d9180 |
> BaseException.cxx:21 | BaseException at InternalTransport.cxx:138
> Could not use port
> ERR | 20130828-153716.956 | rend | RESIP | 0x7fff773d9180 |
> SipStack.cxx:425 | Failed to create transport: V4 UDP 5060 on
> TransportException Could not use port @
> InternalTransport.cxx:138
> Any ideas what is going on here?
> Also, what is the implname = "event" supposed to mean? Is this
> unsupported? It looked to me like maybe it was intended to support
> libevent on other platforms but I can't find code referring to it
> anywhere.
> Thanks
> Jason
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