[reSIProcate] Compiler error in TcpBaseTransport

Dario Bozzali Dario.Bozzali at ifmgroup.it
Thu Dec 5 03:39:07 CST 2013

Hi all,

I've got head revision of Resiprocate and I tried to compile.

I encountered the following compiler errors (my environment is Visual
C++ 2005) since size of _sa is not constant.


1>.\TcpBaseTransport.cxx(219) : error C2057: expected constant

1>.\TcpBaseTransport.cxx(219) : error C2466: cannot allocate an array of
constant size 0

1>.\TcpBaseTransport.cxx(219) : error C2133: '_sa' : unknown size


I would suggest a change to the code similar to the one that I reported
below. Or _sa could have the size equal to MAX(sizeof(sockaddr_in),

Thank you in advance and kind regards,





TcpBaseTransport::makeOutgoingConnection(const Tuple &dest,

      TransportFailure::FailureReason &failReason, int &failSubCode)


   // attempt to open

   Socket sock = InternalTransport::socket( TCP, ipVersion());

   // fdset.clear(sock); !kw! removed as part of epoll impl


   if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET ) // no socket found - try to free one up
and try again


      int err = getErrno();

      InfoLog (<< "Failed to create a socket " << strerror(err));


      mConnectionManager.gc(ConnectionManager::MinimumGcAge, 1); // free
one up


      sock = InternalTransport::socket( TCP, ipVersion());

      if ( sock == INVALID_SOCKET )


         err = getErrno();

         WarningLog( << "Error in finding free filedescriptor to use. "
<< strerror(err));


         failReason = TransportFailure::TransportNoSocket;

         failSubCode = err;

         return NULL;




   assert(sock != INVALID_SOCKET);


   DebugLog (<<"Opening new connection to " << dest);

   socklen_t len = mTuple.length();

   //char _sa[len];

   char* _sa = new char[len];

   sockaddr *sa = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(_sa);


   //if(::bind(sock, sa, len) != 0)

   int ret = ::bind(sock, sa, len);

   delete [] _sa;

   sa = NULL;

   if (ret != 0)


      WarningLog( << "Error in binding to source interface address. " <<

      failReason = TransportFailure::Failure;

      failSubCode = errno;

      return NULL;



   if (mSocketFunc)


      mSocketFunc(sock, transport(), __FILE__, __LINE__);


   const sockaddr& servaddr = dest.getSockaddr();

   //int ret = connect( sock, &servaddr, dest.length() );

   ret = connect( sock, &servaddr, dest.length() );


   // See Chapter 15.3 of Stevens, Unix Network Programming Vol. 1 2nd

   if (ret == SOCKET_ERROR)


      int err = getErrno();


      switch (err)


         case EINPROGRESS:

         case EWOULDBLOCK:




            // !jf! this has failed

            InfoLog( << "Error on TCP connect to " <<  dest << ", err="
<< err << ": " << strerror(err));




            failReason = TransportFailure::TransportBadConnect;

            failSubCode = err;

            return NULL;





   // This will add the connection to the manager

   Connection *conn = createConnection(dest, sock, false);


   conn->mRequestPostConnectSocketFuncCall = true;

   return conn;




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