[reSIProcate] DUM UAS 1xx response retransmitted more times

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Fri Jun 14 10:30:11 CDT 2013

Hi Tibor,

Sounds like a great find.  Thanks for contributing this patch and the
detailed description!

I'll take a look at it and get it applied to SVN soon.

Thanks again,

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 11:42 AM, Tibor Velencei <Tibor.Velencei at gamma.co.uk
> wrote:

> Hi,
> DUM's UAS sends provisional retransmits more times. Let's say UAS
> responses with 100, 183 and 180 to an INVITE. In this case 180 will be
> repeated 3 times after a minute. The reason is that DUM starts
> Retransmit1xx timer on every provisional response. When a timer is
> triggered it is checked by CSeq if it belongs to the last response. But
> CSeq is always the same as all the responses reply to the same request.
> Hence all of the 3 timers will cause a 180 retransmission.
> In the attached patch ServerInviteSession::**mCurrentRetransmit1xx is
> used as a provisional response sequence counter and checked instead of
> CSeq. Also it does not start the timer for 100 as RFC3261 13.3.1 says the
> UAS must send a non-100 provisional response every minute.
> It is based on resiprocate-1.7 but as I can see this issue is the same in
> the latest version as well.
> Please check it and feel free to correct me. I am not sure if I understand
> correctly the purpose of mCurrentRetransmit1xx.
> Kind Regards,
> Tibor
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