[reSIProcate] merge mayhem?

Philip Kizer pckizer at nostrum.com
Fri Sep 27 16:16:09 CDT 2013

On 2013, Sep 27, at 14:52, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
> Looks OK, but the commit mail shows something else, notice the
> contrib/cajun/include stuff appears to be both added and removed again
> in the same commit:

I know there have been _many_ merge-related SVN changes since then, I'm wondering if that's possibly related to this:


Version 1.7.5
(17 May 2012, from /branches/1.7.x)

    * fix merges which first add a subtree and then delete it (issue #4166)

Regardless, 1.6 is quite old (2011/06/01), so I'd like to do some tests to verify if it's client-side or server-side.

I have the new dump+restore repo that I'm close to ready to swap out still just waiting on when the repo is a bit more quiescent, but I can trivially make hot-copies of it for your testing. [For everyone else, the SVN server software for resiprocate has been updated to stay current, but the repo format is still from an older version. I've dumped and restored it on an alternate directory and I'll want to swap that newer version in at some point, but I think that might require client checkout refreshes when I do so, still investigating and testing to be sure before announcing).

It's current as of 10540 and I can easily make it current as of 10555, immediately prior to the merge you're mailing about.

Would you like to test with your current 1.6.x client to see if the behaviour is the same with a newer backend database?  If so, I'll not wait on quiescence on the repo to get that put in.  [Though I will still wait until I know if you will need to do some explicit refresh since it does alter some of the metadata because of the more efficient storage heuristics.]

If the behaviour is the same then I'd then like you to do another test with a newer client (preferably an up-to-date 1.8.3 client) to see if that shows the same weird add-and-delete in the same commit.

So, let me know if you want me to load in those last few commits to get the revision number up to 10555 and I'll send you a private message with the URLs of the repos I prepared for testing.


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