[reSIProcate] Ares crash on dns answer

palladin p-aladin at yandex.ru
Fri Sep 6 10:19:32 CDT 2013

Dear resiprocate devels,

resiprocate version - 1.8.8
I have met dns crash.
Please consider next stack:

#0 0x00007fe3fdc18d81 in read_tcp_data (channel=0x1f18a80, server_idx=0, 
read_fds=<value optimized out>, now=1377154450) at ares_process.c:274
#1 0x00007fe3fdc19147 in ares_process_poll (channel=0x1f18a80, 
server_idx=0, rdFd=35, wrFd=<value optimized out>, now=1377154450) at 
#2 0x00007fe3fe18d344 in resip::AresDnsPollItem::processPollEvent 
(this=0x7fe3a00092d0, mask=<value optimized out>) at dns/AresDns.cxx:85
#3 0x00007fe3fe18352d in resip::FdPollGrp::processItem (this=<value 
optimized out>, item=<value optimized out>, mask=<value optimized out>) 
at FdPoll.cxx:65
#4 0x00007fe3fe184159 in resip::FdPollImplEpoll::epollWait 
(this=0x21a6530, waitMs=0) at FdPoll.cxx:855
#5 0x00007fe3fe1844da in resip::FdPollImplEpoll::waitAndProcess 
(this=0x21a6530, ms=<value optimized out>) at FdPoll.cxx:768
#6 0x00007fe3fe197b0e in resip::DnsThread::thread (this=0x216d3f0) at 
#7 0x00007fe3fe187e3a in threadIfThreadWrapper (threadParm=<value 
optimized out>) at ThreadIf.cxx:51
#8 0x00007fe3ff717851 in start_thread (arg=0x7fe3e97fb700) at 
#9 0x00007fe3f983f11d in clone () at 

As I can see read_tcp_data does not check fd_set on NULL and tries to 
dereference it. Also I have noticed that similar function 
read_udp_packets,which follows
read_tcp_data, does that check.  It looks like when read_tcp_data became 
used with epoll( instead of select ) someone forgot to add verification 
of passed fd_set pointer.

Taras Shypytiak.

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