[reSIProcate] Fwd: [Errored] resiprocate/resiprocate#83 (master - d8ed117)
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.com.au
Sat Jan 26 18:38:31 CST 2013
I've done a test setup of github -> travis-ci.org
This means that travis does a build each time somebody commits on github
Obviously, as we're not using git yet, it won't be doing many builds
just yet - but I made a couple of small commits just to see it in action
It is building on an Ubuntu box, and it actually does two builds for
each commit, one with clang and the other with gcc/g++
An example build log is accessible below. Notice the gcc build
completed 100% successfully but test cases didn't run, whereas the clang
build failed in reTurn
gcc/g++ build log:
and below is the clang build log
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Errored] resiprocate/resiprocate#83 (master - d8ed117)
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 19:31:48 -0500
From: Travis-CI <notifications at travis-ci.org>
To: daniel at pocock.com.au <daniel at pocock.com.au>
Build Update for resiprocate/resiprocate
Build: #83
Status: Errored
Duration: 11 minutes and 32 seconds
Commit: d8ed117 (master)
Author: Daniel Pocock
Message: travis-ci.org: run autoreconf for travis builds
View the changeset:
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