[reSIProcate] rendIt on osx

Jason Fischl jason.fischl at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 15:58:39 CDT 2013

Hey Daniel. I'm having trouble getting lots of things working under
the new build system. What do I need to do to revert back to the old
build system?


On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> It's good to hear from you again.  Did you get any feedback about this?
> I'm not using OS X myself, but one thing that comes to mind is the build
> system change - there are some macros relating to select or epoll usage,
> I'm not sure if they are set for rend - you may want to look through the
> source for any macros it depends on, check that you include config.h and
> so on.
> Do the test cases for rutil, resip, etc all run fine on your system?
> Regards,
> Daniel
> On 29/08/13 00:45, Jason Fischl wrote:
>> Hey guys (I'm back from the dead),
>> I'm trying to get rendIt working on osx. I'm running into problems
>> with what I think is the code related to epoll - which is not
>> available on OSX. rendIt has likely only been tested on linux in the
>> past.
>> RendRunner.cxx is instantiating a resip::EventStackSimpleMgr with
>> implName = "epoll". I thought that I could work around this issue by
>> changing implName to "fdset". However, when I do this, here's what I
>> see when the sip stack tries to bind to the UDP port on 5060.
>> DEBUG | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180
>> | InternalTransport.cxx:115 | Creating fd=12 V4/UDP
>> DEBUG | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180
>> | InternalTransport.cxx:123 | Binding to
>> INFO | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180 |
>> Transport.cxx:199 | Some other error (49): Can't assign requested
>> address
>> ERR | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 0x7fff773d9180 |
>> InternalTransport.cxx:137 | Could not bind to [ V4
>> UDP target domain=unspecified mFlowKey=12 ]
>> DEBUG | 20130828-153716.954 | rend | RESIP | 0x7fff773d9180 |
>> BaseException.cxx:21 | BaseException at InternalTransport.cxx:138
>> Could not use port
>> ERR | 20130828-153716.956 | rend | RESIP | 0x7fff773d9180 |
>> SipStack.cxx:425 | Failed to create transport: V4 UDP 5060 on
>> TransportException Could not use port @
>> InternalTransport.cxx:138
>> Any ideas what is going on here?
>> Also, what is the implname = "event" supposed to mean? Is this
>> unsupported? It looked to me like maybe it was intended to support
>> libevent on other platforms but I can't find code referring to it
>> anywhere.
>> Thanks
>> Jason
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