[reSIProcate] IPv6 on 64 bit

Byron Campen docfaraday at gmail.com
Thu Jul 25 10:14:08 CDT 2013

Should add, before doing this, do the whole build with dyn linking, back
every executable up, make the changes and make sure the backed up
executables still work on the new libs. Might also make sense to convert
everything but the tests and make sure that you still have source compat,
and if everything checks out, finish the conversion.

On Jul 25, 2013 8:08 AM, "Byron Campen" <docfaraday at gmail.com> wrote:

> To maintain source compat, we shouldn't undef the stuff we have. First, we
> should ensure that the c++-11 types are defined one way or another, and
> then typedef the old resip int types based on the standard types. Then,
> begin converting the resip codebase over to the standard ones entirely
> (easily scriptable, and not likely to result in funny stuff like "this
> std::vector of conditions" in a license block).
> Best regards,
> Byron Campen
> On Jul 25, 2013 4:21 AM, "Daniel Pocock" <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
>> On 19/07/13 17:14, Byron Campen wrote:
>> >
>> > Generally, we use the resip-defined UInt32, but something that we may
>> > want to start thinking about is to move over to using the now standard
>> > integer types defined in c++-11. Not sure how far back support for
>> > these goes; we may need to supply typedefs for them in some cases, but
>> > we should start building the good habit now.
>> >
>> Using the new types will make it more natural for people new to the
>> codebase as well
>> I'm going to start doing this in trunk today and we simply need to have
>> a plan for compatibility before taking it into the release branch
>> I would propose that:
>> - with a C++11 build, we use <cstdint>   (#if __cplusplus >= 201103L)
>> and define stuff like:
>> using std::uint8_t;
>> using std::uint32_t;
>> because we are not "using namespace std;" in every source file.
>> - we fall back to <stdint.h> if possible  (#ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H from
>> autotools / config.h)
>> - if that fails, we define the C++11 types ourselves in
>> rutil/compat.hxx  (#ifndef uint32_t) using typedef
>> Does this seem reasonable and likely to work widely?  Have you seen
>> alternative approaches or extra things I should add?
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