[reSIProcate] next release version, skipped versions

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Jul 19 10:51:22 CDT 2013

Since the 1.8.8 release, I've made up 1.8.9, 1.8.10 and 1.8.11 but I
wasn't satisfied with any of those after encountering the problems with
non-Intel builds and some other issues

Anyhow, I now have all test cases running successfully in a wide range
of hosts ranging from ARM and MIPS devices that need 5 hours to build
our project up to the s390x mainframe build:


That is based on the 1.8.11 tag + some patches applied by the Debian
package (hence the name 1.8.11-4)

I think that we can release a 1.8.12 early next week and that will be
the next official release that will be formally announced.  Does anybody
else have any concerns about the release process or pending changes that
should be included?

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