[reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Scott Godin
sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Thu Oct 3 07:26:58 CDT 2013
You cannot provide credentials in an initial request (unless you have
already authenticated). SIP authentication requires you to encode your
password using data in the 401 or 407 response.
DUM will handle the authentication (re-creating your invite with
authentication headers) for you as long as you have provided authentication
information in the MasterProfile or UserProfile (setDigestCredential) passed
to the makeInviteSession call.
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Allen Guan <allenguan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Scott,
> Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. I am still kind of new to SIP, so
> might ask some trivial questions.
> I tried to provide credential information in the first INVITE to avoid
> dealing with the 401 response. Since my application doesn't do
> registration, so the solution you suggested doesn't work for me.
> Now about to dealing with 401 response, the void
> InviteSessionHandler::onFailure(ClientInviteSessionHandle
> oClientInviteSessionHandle, const SipMessage& oSipMessage) will be called,
> I am supposed to reconstruct the INVITE message including the
> "authorization" field and send it out again. what's the correct way to
> reconstruct this INVITE message? how the username and password is provided
> then?
> Any comments are welcome, thanks a lot in advance.
> -Allen
> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 2:52 PM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com>wrote:
>> Hi Allen,
>> You should be careful about credential caching. The following rules are
>> in RFC3261 section 22.3:
>> The following rule is RECOMMENDED for proxy credential caching:
>> If a UA receives a Proxy-Authenticate header field value in a 401/407
>> response to a request with a particular Call-ID, it should
>> incorporate credentials for that realm in all subsequent requests
>> that contain the same Call-ID. These credentials MUST NOT be cached
>> across dialogs; however, if a UA is configured with the realm of its
>> local outbound proxy, when one exists, then the UA MAY cache
>> credentials for that realm across dialogs. Note that this does mean
>> a future request in a dialog could contain credentials that are not
>> needed by any proxy along the Route header path.
>> DUM will only cache credentials within the same dialog. I see you are trying to use the setImsAuthUser profile setting - are you really operating in an IMS environment? I'm not really familiar with how auth works in IMS to help much with it.
>> Assuming no IMS - You could try capturing the authorization headers from your last outbound registration (using an outbound decorator - https://www.resiprocate.org/Modifying/Decorating_messages_sent) and placing them in the INVITE after calling makeInviteSession, but make sure you are not violating the RFC statement above.
>> Scott
>> On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Allen Guan <allenguan at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I have a question: I want to include "Authorization" in the first
>>> "INVITE" sip message, my code is as follows:
>>> ---------
>>> std::string sDialOutUser = DIALOUT_FROM_NUMBER;
>>> NameAddr dialoutAor;
>>> dialoutAor.uri().host() = g_uConferenceConfigure.m_
>>> sExternalIp;
>>> dialoutAor.uri().port() = g_uConferenceConfigure.m_iSIPPort;
>>> dialoutAor.uri().user() = sDialOutUser.c_str();
>>> Data dialoutpasswd("111");
>>> oDialogUsageManager->getMasterProfile()->setDefaultFrom(dialoutAor);
>>> oDialogUsageManager->getMasterProfile()->setDigestCredential(dialoutAor.uri().host(),
>>> dialoutAor.uri().user(), dialoutpasswd);
>>> oDialogUsageManager->getMasterProfile()->setImsAuthUser(sDialOutUser.c_str(),
>>> oInviteMsgAddr.uri().getAorNoPort());
>>> SharedPtr<SipMessage> inviteMessageUac =
>>> oDialogUsageManager->makeInviteSession(oInviteMsgAddr, &oLocalSdp);
>>> --------
>>> the generated sip message's "Authorization" has empty "nonce" and
>>> "response", I guess at least "response" should not be empty to include the
>>> digest credential information, right? Would you please kindly tell me
>>> what's the correct way to do it?
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> -Allen
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