[reSIProcate] Question about ClientSubscription and onRequestRetry

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Apr 17 16:19:56 CDT 2013

Sounds right to me - the mOnNewSubscriptionCalled check will ensure we
don't call onNewSubscription twice.


On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 4:03 PM, Francis Joanis <francis.joanis at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> For the following scenario:
> - UAS isn't responding and UAC times out
> - On the UAC, onRequestRetry gets called and returns 0 (to retry ASAP)
> - DUM retries
> - UAS replies as usual (normal SIP flow)
> In that case, we would expect onNewSubscription(client) to be called when
> the NOTIFY comes in once the 2nd SUBSCRIBE works but it doesn't...
> It looks like the following line (91) in ClientSubscription.cxx:
> if(!mOnNewSubscriptionCalled && !getAppDialogSet()->isReUsed())
> should actually read
> if(!mOnNewSubscriptionCalled && getAppDialogSet()->isReUsed())
> without the ! in front of the second check.
> I made a quick test and it looks like it resolves the issue, but I wanted
> to run it by you guys before submitting a fix. What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Francis
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