[reSIProcate] Question about handling NOTIFY responses for ServerSubscriptions
Francis Joanis
francis.joanis at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 12:54:23 CDT 2013
Thanks for the explanation about RFC 5057. In the end I haven't changed the
actual code regarding the destruction of the usage... I only added code to
support a new ServerSubscriptionHandler::onNotifyAccepted method. Should we
think about setting up an issue tracker for the project - unless we already
have one that I don't know about?
I've attached the patch to this email, I'll submit it later this week if no
issue comes up.
Thanks again,
On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 9:06 AM, Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
> Hi Francis,
> Its important to note here that it doesn't dispatch to all subscriptions,
> its only the subscriptions within the same Dialog. RFC5057 - discusses
> multiple dialog usages and recommend a behaviour. Basically it depends on
> the failure response code - check out section 5.1. It looks like someone
> attempted to implement this logic however I don't think it's quite right.
> For example: If the failure code is a Transaction or Dialog Usage class
> error, then other usages shouldn't be terminating as well. On these
> classes of error server subscription should either be checking if the
> response is for its Usage, or we should push the
> Helper::determineFailureMessageEffect logic back to Dialog.cxx, so it can
> dispatch appropriately.
> For 200 responses it makes sense to target only the matching Usage via
> findMatchingServerSub.
> Scott
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 10:34 AM, Francis Joanis <francis.joanis at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> We need to add a callback like
>> ServerSubscriptionHandler::onNotifyAccepted (similar to onNotifyRejected)
>> but I stumbled over the following in Dialog.cxx:
>> At line 804 (in Dialog::dispatch) we see that all incoming errors for
>> NOTIFY messages are sent to all subscriptions. Do you think this is correct
>> (also see comment at line 795 which pretty much asks the same question)?
> I'm asking because we would need to add another if statement so that
>> 200-class responses are sent to the ServerSubscription to call the new
>> onNotifyAccepted handler. I'm a little cautious about blindly sending all
>> 200-class messages to all subscription members of mServerSubscriptions...
>> I'd rather use Dialog::findMatchingServerSub to find the proper one.
>> Also, what would be a case for having multiple server subscriptions in
>> the same Dialog? Maybe the only case where there could be multiple server
>> subscriptions in the same dialog would be if an InviteSession would process
>> multiple REFERs (w/ sub) at the same time... For an actual UAS SUBSCRIBE
>> dialog I wonder if that would even be possible.
>> Thanks a lot,
>> Francis
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