[reSIProcate] 1.8.6... almost....

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Jan 4 13:13:57 CST 2013

There were some discussions about a 1.8.6 release before Christmas but I
never got around to pushing it out before the silly season started.

I've had a look over the 1.8 release branch and I think it is very close
to being ready for the 1.8.6 tag, it could be tagged between Wednesday
and Friday if there are no objections.

Before tagging, I have the following tests on my own list:

- review RPM build (done - works now for Fedora 17)

- review .deb build

- review the OpenWRT build (I had to patch something when I built that
previously, so I will make sure the patch is in SVN)

Is there anything else essential (either fixes or tests) before the tag?

Anybody who wants to test the stable branch at any time can do this:

svn checkout \
  https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/branches/resiprocate-1.8 \

cd resip-stable


and you will find a nice resiprocate-$(VERSION).tar.gz to validate

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