[reSIProcate] merge mayhem?

Philip Kizer pckizer at nostrum.com
Sat Sep 28 09:46:01 CDT 2013

On 2013, Sep 28, at 03:02, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au> wrote:
> I tried making a checkout of the test URL using a Fedora 19 system, it
> has SVN 1.7.11, it gives me an error though:
> $ svn checkout https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resip-test/main resip-test

Since I had suggested 2 tests, I had created 2 other test repos this time that were on different URLs from that.  [Which is why I suggested mailing me for the URLs if you wanted to test things.]

Do things seem better with the other client or do you still want to do some more testing?


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