[reSIProcate] CAJUN, TFM and Netxx on UNIX builds

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Wed Jul 24 15:38:28 CDT 2013

TFM's autotools Makefiles have finally been tweaked to work seamlessly,
although this depends on Netxx packaging, so I've done that too.

The test dumTests gets into a bad state expecting user input so I've
temporarily disabled it.  Running "make -C tfm check" automatically runs
the rest of the tests.

I've now prepared Debian packages of the following:

- CAJUN (for JSON, currently under rutil)

- Netxx (for TFM)

- FreeRADIUS-client (successor to the radiusclient-ng)

All of these are in the incoming queue for Debian, hopefully available
soon in unstable.  Anybody who wants them quickly can fetch them from
the Debian repositories




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