[reSIProcate] WebRTC branch available now

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Feb 15 09:19:21 CST 2013

Scott Godin <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:

>Thanks Daniel!
>Note:  This is implementation is not everything you need to implement
>WebRTC, it is more accurately described as web socket transport support
>resip and repro.  Websockets are an important part of WebRTC, allowing
>browsers to communicate with SIP servers and proxies.

Agreed, my email was not technically specific.  In fact, SIP is not a mandatory part of WebRTC, but they play together in a manner described by draft-ietf-sipcore-sip-websocket and that is the specific piece of the puzzle that repro has the potential to fill here.

Kamailio already has something like this too and a couple of open source Javascript user agents already exist, eg sipml5

Another part of reSIProcate does have the honour of being a core element of WebRTC: reTurn.  ICE appears to be a mandatory part of the WebRTC model.

>On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 5:35 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au>
>> I've just started a branch for WebRTC support:
>> https://svn.resiprocate.org/rep/resiprocate/branches/b-webrtc
>> This is based on a patch against trunk/main r9737 (May 2012)
>> by Doubango Telecom and distributed through their own project.  As
>> patch was distributed with a Vovida license block, I have adapted the
>> license to name Doubango (rather than Vovida) as the contributor for
>> files.
>> I also managed to reduce the size of their patch by 75% just by using
>> diff arguments to ignore whitespace/EOL style changes.  This makes it
>> easier to analyze the actual changes introduced.
>> Other than that, I have made no changes of my own (yet)
>> I would be interested in feedback from anybody else keen to develop
>> test this initiative.  With enough community support, I believe this
>> could be released in reSIProcate 1.9.x within Q2 2013.
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