[reSIProcate] v1.9 and fixed-size integer types (UInt32, uint32_t, etc)

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Tue Sep 10 09:48:13 CDT 2013

On 10/09/13 16:35, Scott Godin wrote:
> Yeah I was worried about that.  The unsigned long constructor
> obviously isn't required for those platforms so we could just #ifdef
> it out entirely based on platform.    or... we can #ifdef the unsigned
> long constructor in for particular platforms (ie: Win32).  Any
> preferences out there?

I don't think we can use #ifdef in the headers again after the
reflow/recon USE_SSL issue

Just to emphasize, I had no intention of forcing this change onto v1.8 -
I don't think it is too unreasonable to introduce small changes like
this for something like v1.9.0.  I realise it is tedious for people to
add casts or change types, but at least it is relatively trivial.

One further observation: I could introduce some of the proper cstdint
(C++11) stuff into main.  Then people using C++11 compilers will
sidestep the issue anyway.

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