[reSIProcate] merge mayhem?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Sep 27 14:52:44 CDT 2013

I just tried to merge main into Catalin's branch:

$ svn commit -m 'Merge from main'
Sending        .
Sending        Makefile.am
Sending        build/release-tarball.sh
Sending        configure.ac
Adding         contrib/cajun/Makefile
Sending        contrib/cajun/ReleaseNotes.txt
Adding         contrib/cajun/cajun-jsonapi.spec
Adding         contrib/cajun/include
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/elements.h
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/elements.inl
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/reader.h
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/reader.inl
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/visitor.h
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/writer.h
Adding         contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/writer.inl
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/elements.h
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/elements.inl
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/reader.h
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/reader.inl
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/visitor.h
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/writer.h
Deleting       contrib/cajun/json/writer.inl
Adding         contrib/cajun/test.cpp
Adding         contrib/cajun/test8.vcproj
Adding         contrib/cajun/test9.vcproj
Sending        repro/reprolib_10_0.vcxproj
Sending        resip/dum/ClientInviteSession.cxx
Sending        rutil/TransportType.cxx
Sending        rutil/TransportType.hxx
Deleting       rutil/cajun
Transmitting file data ........
Committed revision 10556.

Looks OK, but the commit mail shows something else, notice the
contrib/cajun/include stuff appears to be both added and removed again
in the same commit:


and looking in my local workspace, I then found those files appear modified:
$ svn status | grep -v ^?
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/visitor.h
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/reader.h
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/elements.inl
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/writer.inl
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/elements.h
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/writer.h
M       contrib/cajun/include/cajun/json/reader.inl

but looking at them, they were not modified, so I've just committed
again and they appear to be in the branch now:


Am I doing something wrong or is there potentially some server issue or
client/server mismatch?

I use svn client 1.6.17dfsg-4+deb7u3 from Debian

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