[reSIProcate] [resip/stack][patch] Fixes for previous patch (titled: Code cleanup for ConnectionBase.cxx)

Zhi An Ng ngzhian at gmail.com
Sun May 19 07:11:49 CDT 2013

Hi all,

The patch I submitted had some problems, sorry about that. Here are 2
commits to fix the issues brought up by Daniel (thanks!).

First commit has to do with a missing return value in:
`ConnectionBase::scanMsgHeader(int bytesRead)`

Second patch is regarding the returned value of
`makeWsHandshakeResponse()`, it now returns a std::auto_ptr<Data> to
reduce memory usage. The check for the return value of this function
is also fixed changed to
`if (wsResponsePtr.get())`

These changes are also reflected in the pull request on GitHub.

Thank you.

Zhi An
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