[reSIProcate] WSS stability

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Tue Sep 10 10:01:16 CDT 2013

On 10/09/13 16:41, Nathan Stratton wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au
> <mailto:daniel at pocock.com.au>> wrote:
>     On 10/09/13 16:02, Nathan Stratton wrote:
>     > Has anyone else run into issues with WSS stability? Overall, WSS and
>     > WS both work, however when testing more then just a few
>     connections we
>     > see WSS drop, but testing the same with WS is fine.
>     Thanks for this feedback, could you comment on some of the following:
>     - OpenSSL version?
> Built with openssl 1.0.1e
>     - what do you mean by "drop"?  Do all connections drop at the same
>     time?  Is it just one connection dropping?  Does it refuse to
>     accept new
>     WSS connections after this happens?\
> The client stack (JsSIP) shows that the connection has failed when
> sending data and establishes a new connection. There are no issues
> with establishing a new connection.

How often does it happen?

Do you think you could make up a trivial load test based on websocketpp
sip_client to reproduce it systematically?


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