[reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Thu Jan 3 16:49:24 CST 2013

Further update... I've tried using rpmbuild directly on the tarball now.
 On my Fedora 17 test host, I observe the following error:

$ rpmbuild -tb resiprocate-1.8.6.tar.gz
error: line 287: second %prep

If I look in ~/rpms/SPECS I find that resip.spec has been extracted and
corrupted somehow, with the %prep section duplicated at the end.  It
doesn't match what is really inside the tarball.  I can only guess some
kind of rpmbuild bug.  Various documents suggest that rpmbuild -t mode
is flaky anyway, eg.
so I may not pursue this further for 1.8.6 - people can happily build
the RPM by extracting resip.spec and using rpmbuild -b instead, e.g.

export VERSION=1.8.6

mv resiprocate-${VERSION}.tar.gz ~/rpms/SOURCES

tar xzf \
  ~/rpms/SOURCES/resiprocate-${VERSION}.tar.gz \

cp resiprocate-${VERSION}/resip.spec ~/rpms/SPECS

rpmbuild -bb ~/rpms/SPECS/resip.spec

Note that all RPM related changes are now on the 1.8 release branch, and
I've been testing with a tarball built from r9929, this could be the
revision that is tagged for release, maybe next week

On 03/01/13 00:28, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Just an update: the latest commits on trunk update the spec file to use
> systemd for service control
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Systemd
> This means:
> a) the spec file works with current Fedora versions based on systemd
> (tested on Fedora 17)
> b) anybody testing this with code from 1.8.5 needs to copy the *.service
> files from trunk into their tree - it is probably easier to just build a
> fresh tarball from trunk though using the script build/release-tarball.sh
> As indicated previously, it is likely that the Fedora support will be
> backported for the 1.8.6 release.
> On 05/12/12 05:14, Joegen Baclor wrote:
>> Made a script several days back that builds resiprocate RPMs for me.
>> https://github.com/ossapp/resiprocate/blob/master/rpm-resiprocate.sh
>> On 12/05/2012 09:16 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>>> I've recently updated the spec file in trunk
>>> https://svn.resiprocate.org/viewsvn/resiprocate/main/resip.spec.in?view=log
>>> It should be possible to use the revised spec file with the 1.8 branch
>>> to build for Fedora (tested on Fedora 17):
>>> E.g.
>>> a) put resip.spec in your current directory
>>> b) put resiprocate-1.8.x.tar.gz in the sources directory specified by
>>> ~/.rpmmacros
>>> c) run this command:
>>>     rpmbuild -bb resip.spec
>>> and you should end up with some RPMs
>>> To do: they don't have proper init scripts yet, but the daemons should
>>> install and it should be possible to run them from the command line
>>> Feel free to test and provide feedback about how it could be improved
>>> for Fedora or any other RPM-based platform
>>> When the init scripts are done, I may merge this into the 1.8 branch for
>>> 1.8.6
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