[reSIProcate] DUM UAS 1xx response retransmitted more times

Tibor Velencei Tibor.Velencei at gamma.co.uk
Wed Jun 12 10:42:47 CDT 2013


DUM's UAS sends provisional retransmits more times. Let's say UAS 
responses with 100, 183 and 180 to an INVITE. In this case 180 will be 
repeated 3 times after a minute. The reason is that DUM starts 
Retransmit1xx timer on every provisional response. When a timer is 
triggered it is checked by CSeq if it belongs to the last response. But 
CSeq is always the same as all the responses reply to the same request. 
Hence all of the 3 timers will cause a 180 retransmission.

In the attached patch ServerInviteSession::mCurrentRetransmit1xx is used 
as a provisional response sequence counter and checked instead of CSeq. 
Also it does not start the timer for 100 as RFC3261 13.3.1 says the UAS 
must send a non-100 provisional response every minute.

It is based on resiprocate-1.7 but as I can see this issue is the same 
in the latest version as well.

Please check it and feel free to correct me. I am not sure if I 
understand correctly the purpose of mCurrentRetransmit1xx.

Kind Regards,

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