[reSIProcate] CAJUN into github

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Aug 2 07:25:14 CDT 2013

The upstream CAJUN source hasn't had any commits since February 2012 and
the developer has not replied to forum posts or emails

To use CAJUN in reSIProcate (it is currently under rutil) we need to
patch it to fix the build issues on Linux

I think the best way to do that is with a fork on github, then we will
hopefully attract improvements and bug fixes from other people using it
outside of reSIProcate.

I've set up two repositories on github:

  - this is a replica of SVN, in case anything is committed in SVN in future

  - this is a fork of the replica, where I will manually apply patches
from the forums (e.g. fixing the Linux build issue)

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