[reSIProcate] latest WebRTC update

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Sat Mar 16 18:07:41 CDT 2013

I've been adapting the b-webrtc branch to make it work with secure
WebSockets (over TLS, using the WSS transport type)

Using the original Doubango patch for WebRTC, it can't cope with the way
TLS returns bytes adhoc (rather than perfectly reading a frame at a time)

I've now adapted the code to buffer the bytes, this should make
WebSockets more stable with or without TLS.

I can successfully make a call between two SIPml5 clients using wss://
URLs.  Both are using Google Chrome.

I notice another problem now, repro receives an ACK from one client and
doesn't send it out to the other.  Furthermore, the other client keeps
on sending 200 OK on the reliable transport (that is client fault I
suspect).  So, there is still more work to get this ready for prime
time, but it is definitely in a state where people can play with it and
see it working.

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