[reSIProcate] RPM spec file / Fedora

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Wed Jan 9 13:33:43 CST 2013

Now fixed for Fedora users, see comments at bottom

On 03/01/13 23:49, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> Further update... I've tried using rpmbuild directly on the tarball now.
>  On my Fedora 17 test host, I observe the following error:
> $ rpmbuild -tb resiprocate-1.8.6.tar.gz
> error: line 287: second %prep
> If I look in ~/rpms/SPECS I find that resip.spec has been extracted and
> corrupted somehow, with the %prep section duplicated at the end.  It
> doesn't match what is really inside the tarball.  I can only guess some
> kind of rpmbuild bug.  Various documents suggest that rpmbuild -t mode
> is flaky anyway, eg.
> http://aaronhawley.livejournal.com/17061.html
> so I may not pursue this further for 1.8.6 - people can happily build
> the RPM by extracting resip.spec and using rpmbuild -b instead, e.g.

This error has now been fixed

It turns out that there was another spec file in the tarball,
repro/repro.spec.  This was causing rpmbuild to choke with the very
ambiguous error given above.  The official 1.8.6 tarball doesn't have
that repro/repro.spec any more, so a build for Fedora is as simple as

cd ~/rpms/SOURCES


rpmbuild -tb resiprocate-1.8.6.tar.gz

Any feedback from Fedora users is welcome (tested on Fedora 17, should
be good for Fedora 18 and beyond)

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