[reSIProcate] how to include "authorization" field in the first "INVITE" sip message
Scott Godin
sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Wed Oct 2 16:52:39 CDT 2013
Hi Allen,
You should be careful about credential caching. The following rules are in
RFC3261 section 22.3:
The following rule is RECOMMENDED for proxy credential caching:
If a UA receives a Proxy-Authenticate header field value in a 401/407
response to a request with a particular Call-ID, it should
incorporate credentials for that realm in all subsequent requests
that contain the same Call-ID. These credentials MUST NOT be cached
across dialogs; however, if a UA is configured with the realm of its
local outbound proxy, when one exists, then the UA MAY cache
credentials for that realm across dialogs. Note that this does mean
a future request in a dialog could contain credentials that are not
needed by any proxy along the Route header path.
DUM will only cache credentials within the same dialog. I see you are
trying to use the setImsAuthUser profile setting - are you really
operating in an IMS environment? I'm not really familiar with how
auth works in IMS to help much with it.
Assuming no IMS - You could try capturing the authorization headers
from your last outbound registration (using an outbound decorator -
https://www.resiprocate.org/Modifying/Decorating_messages_sent) and
placing them in the INVITE after calling makeInviteSession, but make
sure you are not violating the RFC statement above.
On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Allen Guan <allenguan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I have a question: I want to include "Authorization" in the first "INVITE"
> sip message, my code is as follows:
> ---------
> std::string sDialOutUser = DIALOUT_FROM_NUMBER;
> NameAddr dialoutAor;
> dialoutAor.uri().host() = g_uConferenceConfigure.m_
> sExternalIp;
> dialoutAor.uri().port() = g_uConferenceConfigure.m_iSIPPort;
> dialoutAor.uri().user() = sDialOutUser.c_str();
> Data dialoutpasswd("111");
> oDialogUsageManager->getMasterProfile()->setDefaultFrom(dialoutAor);
> oDialogUsageManager->getMasterProfile()->setDigestCredential(dialoutAor.uri().host(),
> dialoutAor.uri().user(), dialoutpasswd);
> oDialogUsageManager->getMasterProfile()->setImsAuthUser(sDialOutUser.c_str(),
> oInviteMsgAddr.uri().getAorNoPort());
> SharedPtr<SipMessage> inviteMessageUac =
> oDialogUsageManager->makeInviteSession(oInviteMsgAddr, &oLocalSdp);
> --------
> the generated sip message's "Authorization" has empty "nonce" and
> "response", I guess at least "response" should not be empty to include the
> digest credential information, right? Would you please kindly tell me
> what's the correct way to do it?
> Thanks a lot!
> -Allen
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